SAGE Lecture Spark February 12, 2019
Crime at the U.S. Southern Border: Is There a Crisis? On January 29th, 2019 President Trump gave his State of the Union Address where he urged Congress to address the crisis at the southern border. According to Trump, illegal immigration has contributed to high crime rates across the United States. He used El Paso, Texas as an example to help bolster support for his border wall. Why did President Trump use El Paso as an example? Here are a couple sources regarding crime at the southern border. 2019 State of the Union Full Transcript The White House 02/05/2019 State of the Union: Facts show Trump wrong to say El Paso dangerous city until fence By: Madlin Mekelburg El Paso Times
Key Concepts Crime data has helped paint a clearer and factual picture of the situation at the southern border. Here are some of the findings provided by different governmental agencies in the United Sates: According to the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, illegal border crossings have been declining for nearly two decades. According to the FBI, in 2017 it was reported that crime along the border was lower than in non-border cities and the rest of the United States. Despite it being difficult to assess, studies have also found no link between immigration and crime. Do you believe that there is a crisis at the southern border? The following sources provide information regarding the reality of the crime at the southern border: Trump claims there is a crisis at the border. What’s the reality? By: Joe War and Anjali Singhvi The New York Times 01/11/2019 Crime Along the Mexican Border is Lower than the Rest of the Country By: Alex Nowrasteh CATO Institute 01/08/2019
Assessment Writing: Is there a relationship between illegal immigration and high crime rates? Debate: There is a crisis at the U.S. Southern border. Poll: Do you believe that Congress should pass President Trump’s proposal, which allocates funding to protect the southern border? Short Answer: Why are crime rates/statistics important? Current Events Quiz 1. President Trump focused on which of the following border cities in his attempt to garner support for his border security plan? A. El Paso, Texas B. San Diego, California C. Nogales, Arizona D. Rio Grande City, Texas 2. The number of arrests for illegally crossing the Mexican border have been the lowest under which presidential administration? A. Clinton B. George W. Bush C. Obama D. Trump 3. According to the FBI, non-border counties had higher _______ rates than border counties. A. violent crime B. property crime C. homicide D. all of these are correct 4. El Paso, Texas was a very dangerous city prior to the building of a fence after the passage of the Secure Fence Act. (T/F) 5. Data shows that illegal border crossing have been increasing and contributing to high violent crime rates. (T/F) 6. Most drugs are seized at ports of entry, not open borders. (T/F) Answers 1) A 2) D 3) D 4) F 5) F 6) T