Baptism Types Eph 4:3-6.


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Presentation transcript:

Baptism Types Eph 4:3-6

Baptism Types There is One Baptism Paul wrote to the Ephesians that there was One Yet we find many Baptisms in the New Testament There are many different Baptisms in religions today

Baptism Types Commanded by Jesus Mt 28, Mk 16, Lk 24, Jn 3, Commanded by Jesus Acts 2:37-38, Apostle’s fulfill Jesus’ Command This lesson makes the case for the “One Baptism” The One Jesus commanded By His authority

Baptism Types Commanded by Jesus Mt 28:19, Make disciples of all nations baptizing them… Mk 16:15-16, preach gospel to all, he that believes and is baptized shall be saved Lk 24:47, repentance and remission of sins preached to all nations Jn 3:1-36, Nicodemus to be “born anew”, He that believes has everlasting life Lets look at the Baptism Jesus Commanded Note: the action by Apostles (in general the work of evangelism but specificly here baptizing) active in this work; I Cor 3; Paul, water, Apollos water, God gave the increase.

Baptism Types Commanded by Jesus Jesus Commanded Acts 2:37-38 Mt 28:19, Make disciples of all nations baptizing them… Mk 16:15-16, preach gospel to all, he that believes and is baptized shall be saved Lk 24:47, repentance and remission of sins preached to all nations Jn 3:1-36, Nicodemus to be “born anew”, He that believes has everlasting life Acts 2:37-38

Baptism Types Of John the Baptizer Mt 3:1-7, John preaching repentance and baptism – Kingdom of Heaven is at hand Mt 3:13-17, Jesus was baptized by John This Baptism was an Immersion in water This Baptism was commanded by God This Baptism was administered by Man Note, Immersion baptism, God ordained baptism; but not sufficient

Baptism Types Of John the Baptizer We find that this baptism ended Acts 18:24-28, Apollos instructed a different one Act 19:1-5, Ephesians rebaptized John’s Baptism had a purpose, it was from God, but it was not baptism in the name of Jesus! Note, Immersion baptism, God ordained baptism; but not sufficient

Baptism Types With Holy Spirit Mt 3:11, one coming after him that will baptize with the Holy Ghost and Fire Lk 24:49, promise of the father upon them; they would be endued with power from on high Acts 1:5, John Baptized with Water, You shall be Baptized with Holy Spirit… Soon Acts 2:1-4, Apostles baptized with Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Came upon, not immersed in thought baptism is an appropriate word. Direction is different; into water vs. upon men Compare Jesus’ commands at end of Mt, Mk, Lk with this baptism; previous was performed by Disciples

Baptism Types With Holy Spirit This was promised by Jesus Lk 24:49, promise of the father upon them; they would be endued with power from on high Jn 14:16-18, 25-26, 16:7-14, promise of another comforter This baptism was not commanded by Jesus This was performed by God Acts 2:1-4, Apostles baptized with Holy Spirit Note: the action by Apostles (in general the work of evangelism) active in this work; I Cor 3; Paul, water, Apollos water, God gave the increase.

Baptism Types With Holy Spirit This Baptism was not the one Jesus commanded Act 8:14-19, Samaria baptized but lacked Holy Spirit Act 19:1-5, Ephesians baptized but lacked Holy Spirit Since it was performed by God and it was different than the one Jesus commanded: it is not the “one” Jesus commanded Some want to teach that the Holy Spirit Baptism and Baptisms Jesus are synonymous, these two passages are irrefutable

Baptism Types Of Fire Mt 3:11, one coming after him that will baptize with the Holy Ghost and Fire Could be one and the same with Holy Ghost Acts 2:1-4, would still be fulfillment Judgment Mt 3:10&12, burning the chaff Either can fit in the the context of Mt 3 This baptism is not administered by any disciple or Apostle.

Baptism Types For the Dead I Cor 15:29, Paul making arguments that prove there is a resurrection Jesus did not command this one This is not the response of a believer

Baptism Types Into the Church I Cor 12:12-13, Baptized into one body Missing details given in Acts 2:47, the Lord Added to the church… Misused passage Is the body referenced I Cor the local or universal church? Would seem to be local. Acts 2 is the Universal

Baptism Types Requirements Must be correct Baptism Acts 18:24-28, Apollos teaching corrected Acts 19:1-5, Ephesians rebaptized John’s was not sufficient Though it was Immersion Though it was commanded by God Though it was administered by Man

Baptism Types Requirements Faith in Jesus Mk 16:16, Jn 3, he that believes… Lk 24, Acts 2, Repentance Acts 8:35-39, Ethiopian Eunuch I Pet 3:21, answer of a good conscience For correct reason Because of individual faith

Baptism Types Requirements Immersion in water By Definition By Example Mt 3:13-17, Jesus’ Baptism (by John) was an immersion Acts 8:38, went down into the water By Apostolic Teaching Rom 6, Paul’s analogy to a burial

Baptism Types There is One Baptism Though we find many Baptisms At the time of Paul writing the letter to Ephesians there was One Baptism of Jesus By His Command Immersion in Water For the Remission of Sins Administered by Man Those not baptized by this baptism were rebaptized Simple command of Jesus is so corrupted by religious authorities today