2018-2019 Prairie Boys Basketball Sponsorship Individual Sponsorship Individual ($100 and up) Recognition on website, youth and varsity poster Corporate Sponsorships Corporate ($300) Company recognized on PBBA website with hyperlink to your company’s website and name listed on youth poster as well as company listing on shooting/warmup shirt. _________________________________________________________________ Please complete the information noted below and return to the address noted below with check payable to “Prairie Boys Basketball Association” Individual ($100 and up) Corporate Sponsorship (check one) Corporate ($300 & up) Name as it should appear on PBBA website, poster and shooting shirt (as applicable): _____________________________________________________ Business website/url (if applicable) Sponsor’s Name___________________________ Street____________________________________ City, State, Zip_____________________________ Phone:__________________________________ Email___________________________________ PLEASE RETURN FORM AND PAYMENT TO: PBBA PO BOX 264 ELY, IA 52227