SSWH14 – The Age Of Revolution Learning Objective – Identify the Main Causes and Outcomes of the American Revolution
BackGround Information In the beginning, the colonies were proud to be British. When the French and Indian War took place (1754 – 1763), King George III lost a great deal of money due to buying expensive supplies for his army and the colonies. In order to pay off his debt, he imposed taxes on the colonies without their consent which outraged the colonists. King George wasted no time in sending soldiers across the Atlantic to make sure the colonies were behaving as they should.
Causes of American ReVolution NEW LAWS AND TAXES(King George = Absolute Monarch) Their motto became "No Taxation Without Representation." - Boston Massacre(1765)(Protesters Shot and Killed) Boston Tea Party led to the Intolerable Acts(1774) 1776 - DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE(Grievances against king, declaring independence from English rule)
New Taxes and Laws(Causes) The Townshend Acts(1776) - New taxes on imports of paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea and gave British right to search houses and businesses Stamp Act(1765) - tax on all sorts of printed materials such as newspapers, magazines and legal documents.(Newspapers must have British Stamp to stop smuggling)
Boston Massacre(1770)(Causes) The Boston Massacre by Unknown Boston Massacre(1770)(Causes) The Boston Massacre occurred on March 5, 1770 Angered colonists harassed and protested British troops over unfair laws and taxes British soldiers in Boston opened fire on a group of American colonists killing five men. The Boston Massacre became a rallying cry for patriotism in the colonies.
Boston Tea Party(causes) The Boston Tea Party occurred on December 16, 1773. Key Event Leading up to American Revolution Colonists were disguised as Mohawk Indians and threw nearly 400 chests of tea into Boston Harbor (90,000 pounds of tea) Event led to Intolerable Acts
Intolerable Acts(Causes) The Intolerable Acts were five laws that were passed by the British Parliament against the American Colonies in 1774.
First Continental COngress In response to the Intolerable Acts, the first meeting of the Continental Congress occurred.(September 5th - October 26th 1774) Every colony, but GEORGIA, attended The delegates took two major actions: Sent letter to King George: demanded that the King stop the Intolerable Acts or they would boycott English goods. They made a plan to meet again in May of 1775 if the British did not meet their demands.
Second Continental Congress Major Successes: established the Continental Army. They made George Washington General of the Army. On July 8, 1775, they tried again for peace by sending the Olive Branch Petition to the King of Britain. On July 4, 1776 they issued the Declaration of Independence declaring the United States as an independent country from Britain.
Outcomes of the American Revolution On March 1, 1781 the Articles of the Confederation were signed creating a real government. After this, the congress was called the Congress of the Confederation. Gained Independence from G.B. Established Democratic Republic with a 3 Branch government influenced the French Revolution and the overthrow of the French Monarchy under King Louis