Journal Entry #66 Title: Netiquette Do you ever feel like you can say things on the Internet that you wouldn’t say in real life? Why or why not? What does it mean to be a responsible citizen of the Internet? Explain. Is netiquette important? Why or why not? Explain. You have seven minutes to write your response to the questions listed and be sure to explain your answers. As always, format matters so please be sure to write the title, journal entry number, and date at the top of your journal.
Tuesday: © Presto Plans
Tuesday: Their/there: While there refers to a place, their refers to possession kids’…?: Kid’s indicates more than one child and possession. The example in parenthesis indicates only one child’s birthday. Both are correct. A question was asked, so a question mark is used. Saw: The past tense of to see is saw. week, and: A comma should be used to separate two complete sentences with a conjunction (and). To/Too: Too is a synonym for also or means an excess of something. To should be used here as a preposition. Myself: This word is misspelled. Myself is one word. © Presto Plans