Mediterranean Coast: the Iberian people (little remains-few inscriptions) Celts came. Celtiberos: mixed society Iberian and Celts Lusitanos- west of the peninsula (spoke a Indoeruopean language) I
Tarstesios in the Portuguese Algarb and south of Spain. Not an Indoerupoean Language Greeks and Fenicios: on the Mediterranean coast Basks: north of Spain
Phonetically Morphologically Lexically
218 BC Rome starts invading and colonizing Spain As result, Pre-roman lenguages are lost And Vulgar Latin begins to be spoken (Latin spoken by soldiers) One excepcion: Basque
VI a.c. This german tribe invades Spain, but its already romanized Division of the penisula in kingdoms. Each kingdom developed its own language: Romance Languages (Castilian, Catalan, Galician)
Year 711, the Arabs settled in Spain Part of the Visigod Royal family took refuge in the north and mixed with the tribes of that area Strong influence of Arabic vocabulary
First, Spanish was not considered the right language for writing, it was Latin The first words in Spanish were written in the explantion of Codixes in the Monasteries of San Millan de la Cogolla y Santo Domingo de Silos. Centuries X and XI. Page 72 from the Códice Emilanense
Alfonso X, el Sabio: Spanish became the lenguage of transmission of culture The writing code was established until XVIth century Uniformity in the way Spanish was spoken in the penisula: habla toledana
1492 Nebrija publishes his Gramática which gives Spanish prestige Famous writers contribute to the establishment of the language: In poetry, Garcilaso de la Vega In prose, Cervantes through his Quijote In drama: Lope de Vega
Established The process of change that began with Alfonso X finishes The Royal Academy for the Language is created in 1713 to preserve the purity of Spanish
Ships departed for the New World from Sevilla The crew spent a lot of time in Sevilla before leaving There was an on going contact between Spain (mainly Andalucia & Canary Islands) and Latinoamerica. Common traits.
Phonetically: Seseo (pronunciation of the s and z as s) Yeismo (pronuniation of ll as y) Dropping of the s at end of a word Morphologically: - Voseo (vos instead of tu) - Usted/ustedes vs. Tu/vosotros
Ladino (Spanish from the Sefardis) The Philippines The USA