www.caritas.org.nz www.nzcppa.org.nz A joint project of the NZ Catholic Primary Principals’ Association and Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
Together we raised more than $32,000 for Apifo’ou College in Tonga helping them repair their school toilets and classrooms and get new resources. **Second image covers the word construction AWESOME!
Can you find Bougainville on this map? How far away does it seem from New Zealand? Image source: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F8b%2F71%2F4b%2F8b714bd7d022735d8f3e202525bb6952.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F529313762424847226%2F&docid=TSPmBCx1IWSnNM&tbnid=0RpavVAqeBiilM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiix_XNwY3iAhUIgUsFHaBkBXoQMwh0KCcwJw..i&w=1186&h=1107&bih=890&biw=1680&q=bougainville%20nz%20map&ved=0ahUKEwiix_XNwY3iAhUIgUsFHaBkBXoQMwh0KCcwJw&iact=mrc&uact=8 Bougainville is more than 4,300 kilometres from New Zealand. It is not an easy journey by plane as stops are required in Australia and Papua New Guinea before arrival in Buka or Arawa – the two largest towns in Bougainville.
Bougainville is a province of Papua new Guinea. Consisting of a number of islands, it’s full name is the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. Image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Atlas_of_Papua_New_Guinea
Part of: Papua New Guinea (PNG) Population: 234,280 (2011 figure) Religion: Christianity and traditional beliefs Language: Tok Ples, Tok Pisin and English Currency: Kina Prime Minister of PNG: Peter O'Neill President of Bougainville: John Momis Close neighbour: Solomon Islands
Japan invaded during World War II in 1942. Bougainville has experienced a number of difficult conflicts over the last century. Flag source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_Region_of_Bougainville Japan invaded during World War II in 1942. From 1988-1998 a civil war existed between the PNG Government and Bougainville freedom groups.
In recent decades, the people of Bougainville have desired to have a country of their own (with full independence). Later this year, in October, the people will vote to see if they may become fully independent.
Green dominates the landscape… … beautiful trees, plants and forests.
Amazing creatures can be found in the Solomon Sea that surrounds the islands.
Life in Bougainville can be challenging. It gets very hot and sometimes it is very wet! NOTE: Droughts are often experienced in the north. And power cuts are another common occurrence.
Water is important to all Bougainvilleans and many are very talented at catching fish!
Low lying islands (such as the Carteret Islands) are being swallowed up by rising water levels.
Almost everyone goes to Church on Sunday.
To get from Buka Island to the main Bougainville Island you have to cross the Buka Channel in a skinny banana boat.
Petrol stations look a bit different…
For Mufti Mania in 2019 we are supporting a school in Bougainville called Doputz Primary School.
There are 150 students and 6 teachers at the school.
School inspectors recently closed the school because the school didn’t have suitable classrooms, toilets, resources, and access to water.
Repairs to classrooms and new resources
New water tanks and new toilets Need more of these!
Have fun with your mufti day and let’s help the students and teachers at Doputz Primary School.
Access water and new toilets All the money we raise together in 2019 will go to Doputz Primary School to help them… Access water and new toilets Repair classrooms and get new resources
Remember Doputz Primary School in Bougainville