Operations with Integers 0-3 Operations with Integers
Example 1 pg. P11 Add Integers with the same sign Use the number line to find −2+3.
Example 1 pg. P11 Add Integers with the same sign Use the number line to find −2+3. 1 +3 −2 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Absolute Value The distance a number is from zero on the number line.
Rules for adding integers Integers with the same sign (++ or −−) Add the numbers and keep the sign. Integers with different signs (+−or −+) Subtract the smaller value from the larger value and take the sign of the largest value
Example 2 pg. P11 Add integers using absolute value Find −15+ −4 .
Example 2 pg. P11 Add integers using absolute value Find −15+ −4 . −19
Opposites Every positive integer has an opposite negative integer
Additive Inverse (used when subtracting) A number and its opposites are additive inverses. Subtraction means to “add the opposite”
Example 3 pg. P11 Subtract Positive Integers Find 11−15.
Example 3 pg. P11 Subtract Positive Integers Find 11−15. −4
Rules for multiplying integers Integers with the same sign (++ or −−) The product will always be a positive answer Integers with different signs (+−or −+) The product will always be a negative answer
Example 4 pg. P12 Multiply and divide Integers Find each product or quotient. 1.) −9 4 2.) −112÷ −8 3.) −11 −11 4.) 96÷ −6
Example 4 pg. P12 Multiply and divide Integers Find each product or quotient. 1.) −9 4 −36 2.) −112÷ −8 14 3.) −11 −11 121 4.) 96÷ −6 −16
0-3 pg. P12 1-23