EARLY RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL FRACTIONS AND SECTS BY: Mahdi Alattas & Salman Parisi Under Supervisor: Ir. Haidar Bagir, MA 6/7/2019 ICAS, JAKARTA
The Factors of Sects & Factions’ Appearance Political motivation (problem of khilafah after the Prophet died & the fitnah (dissent) at the time of khalifah Uthman Different way of understanding of the text (literal, interpretation (ta’wil), middle way) 6/7/2019 ICAS, JAKARTA
Khawarij Bedouin, Initially the followers of Imam Ali, literal interpretation The process of arbitration (tahkîm) as deviation of law of God (hukmullah), based on QS al-Mai’dah:44 Ali, Muawiyah, Abu Musa, Amr bin Al-Ash were apostate (murtad) and should be killed 6/7/2019 ICAS, JAKARTA
Khawarij’s Main Thought Grave sinners identical with non-believer People who do not agree with their principle is unbeliever and should be killed Falsehood is worse than sexual act out side of marriage 6/7/2019 ICAS, JAKARTA
Murji’ah Neutral political position toward the confronting companions (Ali & Muawiyah) The solution for this confrontation is postponed (arja’a) in the yamuil hisâb. From political controversy to theological discussion about the status of grave sinner QS at-Taubah:106 6/7/2019 ICAS, JAKARTA
Common Principles (Shi’a & Sunni) Tauhid (Shi’a & Mu’tazilah: negate the attributes/identical with the God’s essence and evil action of God & al-adl; Ash’ari: God possesses attributes, but in the form of bila kayfa & bila tasybîh) Prophecy Resurrection (ma’ad) 6/7/2019 ICAS, JAKARTA
Ash’arism (Intermediary position) Fundamental Principles Conception of God and nature of the nature of His attributes Kasb The problem of reason & revelation & the criterion of good and bad The problem of the eternity of al-Quran The problem of the eternity of al-Quran The problem of beatific vision 6/7/2019 ICAS, JAKARTA
Exclusive Prinsiples (ushùl al-Madzhab) Shi’a: Imamate (complete principles are; Tauhid, al-Adl, Nubuwwah, Imamate, Ma’ad) Mu’tazilah: al-wa’ad wal wâ’id, manzilah baynal manzilatain, amar ma’ruf wa nahyi ‘anil munkar (complete principles are; Tauhid, al-Adl, al-wa’ad wal wâ’id, manzilah baynal manzilatain, amar ma’ruf wa nahyi ‘anil munkar ) 6/7/2019 ICAS, JAKARTA
The Difference between Mu’tazilah & Sunni The problem of attributes The problem of the beatific vision The problem of promise and threat The problem of creation of the action of man The problem of the will of God 6/7/2019 ICAS, JAKARTA