Created Revised 6/2/2010 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 1 Gradekeeper
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 2 Created Revised 6/2/2010 While Waiting Launch GradeKeeper Create a Blank Document
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 3 Created Revised 6/2/ Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship Student Learning and Academic Performance 1. Digital Access: full electronic participation in society 2. Digital Literacy: the process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology 3. Digital Communication: electronic exchange of information School Environment and Student Behavior 4. Digital Security & Safety: electronic precautions to guarantee safety/physical well-being in a digital technology world 5. Digital Etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure 6. Digital Rights and Responsibilities: those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world Student Life Outside the School Environment 7. Digital Commerce: electronic buying and selling of goods 8. Digital Health and Wellness: physical and psychological well-being 9. Digital Law: rights and restrictions
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 4 Created Revised 6/2/ Digital Citizenship Links spx spx
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 5 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Standards Addressed Standard 1: Demonstrate proficiency in the use of computers and applications as well as an understanding of concepts underlying hardware, software, and connectivity.
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 6 Created Revised 6/2/2010 GradeKeeper By the end of this session you will know and be able to: create a new class customize the data enter the data change categories enter daily assignments enter points for each assignments view reports change dates view student scores print out all reports
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 7 Created Revised 6/2/2010 You Will Demonstrate This By ~ Creating a new class with at least 5 students Changing the semester to second semester and choose school days only Entering 4 categories for Test, Quiz, Class Participation, and Final Exam Entering at least three assignment in the columns and give the students a grade Saving the grade book
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 8 Created Revised 6/2/2010 SPS Has A District License For Gradekeeper License information If your school has an Instructional Technology teacher see them for the information Otherwise, contact the helpdesk for the information ( ), or submit a online help desk request ticket.
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 9 Created Revised 6/2/2010 T o get Gradekeeper installed on your computer you can submit a helpdesk ticket online from the SPS web site. Click here to send a ticket to request Gradekeeper
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 10 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Enter Login Info
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 11 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Create a new class then save as A week 9 th Grade
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 12 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Type The Name Of The Class Assignments typed on the left will show up here
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 13 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Setting Up Your Grade book Customizing Categories Letter grades Attendance Scores Choose your dates Enter assignment Set up the semester Change the dates on each assignment
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 14 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Customize Grade Book Options Set up your semester and change the dates to view only school days
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 15 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Enter Assignments
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 16 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Change Dates After Assignments Are Entered
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 17 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Enter Students And Grades After Assignment Are Entered
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 18 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Daily Assignments… Typing daily assignments Click the left column and type in the name of your category. Then type in the name of the activity. The program will automatically transfer the assignments to the right columns in top of each grade column. To change dates type in manually the correct dates by highlighting the date.
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 19 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Individual Student Data For Parent/Teacher Conferences Get results by categories
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 20 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Student Scores To print out student scores Go to reports and click on student scores Print out the report of each student or print them all at once to show the students progress
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 21 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Attendance Options To take attendance Go to Report on the Menu bar Click on attendance and follow the instructions Type the letter A for absent and T for tardy leave it blank if the student is present. To go back to the grade book go to reports and click on Gradebook
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 22 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Attendance Reports Student Scores Class Scores Assignment Scores End of Semester Scores End Of Semester Reports
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 23 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Creating All The Reports Open the class you want in your grade book and go to the report menu. Click on the report you want and then send it to the printer. To go back to grade book simply go to Reports then choose Gradebook
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 24 Created Revised 6/2/2010 DO NOT UPLOAD STUDENT DATA TO WEB No student-identifying information should be posted anywhere outside the school district, not outside of school Follow the SPS Acceptable Use Policy cies.asp cies.asp
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 25 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Your Turn Create a new class called it 9 th Grade Health Create a class with at least 5 students Change the semester to second semester and choose school days only Enter 4 categories for Test, Quiz, Class Participation, and Final Exam Enter at least three assignment in the columns and give the students a grade Save the gradebook and called it 9 th grade health
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 26 Created Revised 6/2/2010 Rubric Gradekeeper basic skillsAble to get open a gradebook and create a class. Able to open a gradebook but cant create a class. Not able to open a workbook or create a class. Able to customize gradebook Able to customize the gradebook options within a class. Change semester dates, grades, and choose grading tools, insert assignments by dates. Able to customize the gradebook, and not able to change semester grades. Not able to customize a workbook within a class. Able to add students and delete students Able to enter and delete student names and insert grades and for students individually. Able to enter students names but not able to enter grades. Not able to enter or delete students. Able to create reportsAble to do all five reports, attendance report, student scores, class scores, assignment reports, and individual student reports. Able to do four or three reports. Able to do one or two reports.
Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 27 Created Revised 6/2/ Resources ISTE Publications, Digital Citizenship in Schools by Mike Ribble and Gerald Bailey, copyright 2007, ISBN No: