NAPAC19 First SPCC Meeting The MC-4 Hadron Accelerators Invited Program Sarah Cousineau and Sergei Nagaitsev January 17-18th E. Lansing, Michigan
Suggested MC-4 Invited Program Talk Title Speaker Score Type Career Stage Studies of High Intensity Proton Beams at Fermilab Booster Cheng-Yang Tan 13 R&D mid The Spallation Neutron Source Injection Foil R&D Program Nicholas Evans 10 early The MYRRHA Project – Challenges of a High Reliability High Power Proton Linac Holger Podlech 6 Machine Status late Results of the ELENA Commissioning Tommy Eriksson
Back-up MC-4 Talk Candidates Talk Title Speaker Score Type Career Stage Status of the Chinese Spallation Neutron Source Project Sheng Wang 5 Machine Status mid Fully-Automated Cavity Tuning and Fault Recovery in a Hadron SCL Andrei Shishlo R&D Status of the European Spallation Source Project Roland Garoby late