FOOD! Count & Non-count Nouns Communication English 1 Part 2 Class 10
Extra Slides:
Food Tastes Bland Salty Sour Spicy Sweet What are some other foods that fit into the above categories?
Food Textures Chewy Creamy Crunchy Juicy Sticky
One Two Two Three One One One Two Three Three Two Zero 21
Page 130 Two Zero One One Two One One Three Two Two Three One 19
Bananas = countable Apples = countable Eggs = countable Cookies = countable Pizza = uncountable Cake = uncountable Milk = uncountable Cola = uncountable Coffee = both Rice = uncountable Potato chips = countable Juice = uncountable Mike has two boxes of chocolate chip cookies left. He also has two bananas and two slices of pizza and cake. He has three cans of juice left. He didn’t drink any! He also has one egg, one coffee, and one apple left as well. Dave has one bottle of cola, one banana, one box of cookies, and one glass of milk left. He also has two slices of pizza, two cans of juice, two eggs, two bowls of rice and two slices of cake! And he has three apples. He didn’t eat any apples.
It’s a fruit. It’s oval and yellow. It tastes sour Partner A - Describing Partner B - Guessing It’s round. It usually has many vegetable and meat toppings. It’s famous in Italy. It is really tasty! Is it pizza!? It’s a fruit. It’s oval and yellow. It tastes sour It’s a lemon! It’s a snack. It’s round and flat. It’s small. It’s yellow and salty, and it’s crunching. Potato chips! It’s a fruit. It’s oval, and pretty small. It’s brown outside and green inside. It’s sour and soft. Kiwi! It’s a kind of fruit. It’s long and pretty big. It’s yellow, sweet, and soft. Banana!
m i l k h a e r a n g e j u i h o c l a e e c h g a p e f r u i t n a p l p l e a t e r m l n o n i p r c r t c h r y c f e
Page 131
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