Developing a confident, numerate learning community


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Presentation transcript:

Developing a confident, numerate learning community 01.11.16

Reasons for action Evidence from the Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy. Staff across learning community felt there was a need to work together to improve outcomes in numeracy. Key priorities of the National Improvement Framework include: Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children

What we have done so far Numeracy network group Cross transition trios Shared practice at inset meetings Worked collaboratively with numeracy hub champions on a programme of professional development Developed awareness of progression in numeracy Improvements to the way we teach + -   We have worked with staff across the school and in ASN on numeracy methods and consistency of approach

Session 2016-17 Secured funding for Developing a Confident, Numerate Learning Community Project aims to raise attainment in numeracy across our learning community through: Increased parental engagement in numeracy Shared understanding of developmental numeracy across the learning community Consistent approaches in teaching of numeracy

Numeracy Development Officers Build on our previous work on progression Support classroom teachers and support staff Develop a comprehensive bank of resources with a focus on family learning Engage with targeted groups of parents and children across the LC to develop numerical understanding and skills Work with adult learning team to promote numeracy skills for Life, Learning & Work Consult with Educational Psychologist to measure outcomes Create a shared electronic resource to support families and enhance engagement Organise and co-ordinate CLPL for staff

Sustainability Working across all sectors Developing a website to share resources for pupils and parents Hope to share progress with staff across Stirling and Nationally Project will be evaluated and next steps will be identified

Now it’s your turn - how would you work these out? 68 + 24 = 74 – 26 =

Using an empty number line, a visual tool that children use to keep track of their thinking as they add or subtract. For addition, put one of the addends at the beginning of the empty number line, decompose the other addend into chunks that are easy to work with based on the numbers in the problem. In this example, adding 5 to 45 to get to a multiple of 10. Then adding on multiples of 10. Keep track of the moves made above the arcs showing the jumps. Some children will be able to take a jump of 30 to get from 50 to 80. Other children may start with 45, take a jump of 30 to 75, then add 5 to get to 80.

How about these ones? 27 x 3 = 26 x 14 =


Long Multiplication!

Prompt cards Or go to school website and search “prompt” Available in pupil planners Being promoted to staff across the school

Please take a moment to complete our short feedback survey Please take a moment to complete our short feedback survey.