Petrovicová Kristýna CR4 Catering Petrovicová Kristýna CR4
the business of providing food service at events specialized company or restaurants ensures inventory of food, staff and final cleaning many types of catering and events
Wedding catering for guests on wedding party ceremonial catering contents of food and decoration food contents of soup and main dish wedding cake, wedding desserts at home, at garden, at hotel, at rented hall, at castle etc.
Catering at ball a small meal for guests on a table desserts, snack, sandwiches, chips etc. large stocks
Birthday catering small event many types of catering - for child, for adult, any theme etc. food or theme can be focused by who‘s celebrate his birthday at home, at garden, at restaurants
catering is like a buffet usualy guests do not pay anything but they have small choices for eat it is part of package designed by the company menu consists of meals what‘s guests or organizer likes