Forests working group
Discussion issues Restoration and management vs. Non-intervention management Connectivity outside N2K Mimicking natural disturbances
Problems Can be country-specific and scale-dependent (e.g. Fire management) Definitions needed (restoration, non-intervention) Conservation management vs commercial management/use Management to be based on agreed and appropriate objectives Art 17 reporting: agreement on what is meant with FCS
Solutions Need habitat mapping, quality assessment and integration into landscape level planning with extension of area for conservation management Agree conservation objectives (including increased restoration) Improve management practices in commercial forests Active participation of stakeholders to cover the diversity in approaches -> improved connectivity Share best practice examples Active discussion between scientists, policymakers and practitioners With appropriate objectives it is easier to choose practices
Communication Many stakeholders: landowners, hunters, industry, NGOs, hunters, birdwatchers, local community, ... Communicate about benefits of N2K to actors in customized way Involve all actors in communicating about conservation objectives to their peers Recognize what is important to local people Communicate about sustainable use instead of biodiversity
Actions Networking beween MS and stakeholders (e.g. Based on example of Finnish steering group and habitat based subgroups for restoration) (Kaisa Junninen) Grand tour on restoration (Jussi Päivinen) Exchange information on good practices and demonstration (Life+ projects, demonstration sites) Communication (by all actors)
Network Build on existing networks (e.g. RENO, PREFOR) Field visits preferred ‘light’ reporting of outcomes All countries to nominate focal point and provide to Kaisa Ensure open and inclusive networks Share the burden Share results/communication platform
Generic issues Conservation objectives at different levels Document needs more specific formulation to cover issues included in background document and final review by MS Communication about N2K benefits with (local) public and stakeholders