SDTC Application For Funding
Company Information Company Name Tagline and contact details Insert Logo Here Tagline and contact details Company Information Name (optional: include tag line, logo) Headquarters City, Province In business since Month, Year Main product or service Annual revenues $ # of full-time employees Owner/ major shareholder(s) Funds raised to date
Define the Sustainability Problem Explain how your clean technology/environmental solution will solve an existing sustainability problem
Environmental Benefits - Qualitative What is the primary environmental benefit from your technology? Choose one of the options below: Clean Air Clean Water Clean Soil Climate Change How does the use of the technology result in environmental benefits? See guidance questions below: What would happen in the absence of the proposed technology? How does the use of the technology change the type or amount of energy consumed? How are environmental benefits realized: What emissions are reduced by use of the proposed technology? How is water conserved? How are adverse impacts to soil and water avoided? List the key assumptions to validate the environmental benefits stated above.
Environmental Benefits - Quantitative Environmental benefits calculations What is the baseline technology that your solution will be displacing (status quo/ competitor’s solution, etc.)? What unit of measure drives the realization of the environmental benefits (# of systems deployed, # of units sold, etc.)? How many of these do you plan to sell in the next 5 years? What is the magnitude of the environmental benefits derived from each unit of measure (kilotonnes of CO2e reduced, m3 of H2O saved, tonnes of waste reduced)? Multiply the number of units to be sold by the estimated environmental benefit per unit.
Technology – Overview Describe the technology. Use drawings, photos, renderings, and/or process flow diagrams as necessary.
Technology – Development and Metrics Provide a brief history of the technology development to date. List key performance metrics achieved to date relative to the competition. Metric Competing Technology 1 Technology 2 Technology 3 Lead Applicant (Commercialized) Metric 1 Metric 2 Metric 3 Metric 4 Metric 5 Metric 6 Metric 7 Metric 8
Technology – Risks and Mitigation Identify the technical risks to overcome to commercialize the technology: Risk Impact (H,M,L) Likelihood (H,M,L) Mitigation
Technology – Key Innovation Describe the key innovation What is the scientific basis for the technology? How is the technology better than existing technologies and emerging competitors? What is the strength of your IP? How does the innovation affect the price and/or performance of your technology compared to the incumbent?
Market - Quantification Quantify the Canadian and global market opportunity for your technology.
Market – Commercial Strategy What is your anticipated business model? What is your path to market? Where/who is your initial target market?
Market – Value Proposition What is the value proposition for your customer? What is the payback period for a customer investing in your product? How is this better than their other choices?
Market – Competitors List direct and indirect competitors and their key strengths and weaknesses: Competitor Name Strengths Weaknesses
Project – Overview Project Overview Project start date Month, Year Project end date Demonstration site(s) Entity/Facility: City, Province/State, Country Overall project objective Partners involved Estimated project costs Estimated request from SDTC
Project – Workplan Key milestones, duration and key objectives to achieve during milestone: Milestone Activity Duration (months) Key Objective to Achieve
Project – Partners Partner Organization Role in Project Sector (e.g. Private, Public, Academia, or NGO) Relationship status (Confirmed; Developing; Applying) Estimated Funding Amount (Cash) Estimated Funding Amount (in Kind) Status of Financing (Confirmed; Developing; or Applying) Lead Organization (your company) Partner #1 Confirmed $3.5M in Kind Partner #2 Developing $1.5M Partner #3 $500K in kind SDTC Applying $2.5M Total
Project – Budget Estimated project costs: Item Expense Estimate (CAD) Labour Travel Equipment/materials Subcontractors Other Total
Management Team Who will be be actively working on the project? Are there any key project/company advisors? What is the project team’s relevant experience (e.g., product development, project management, commercialization and/or fundraising)? Name Title Relevant experience
Intellectual Property Is the IP protected? How? Who owns the IP? What is covered by the IP? How difficult will it be for others to copy your idea? What is your IP strategy to maintain a competitive advantage?
Recap Please give a brief summary of your project scope and objectives, focusing on how this project solves an industry problem. Problem your technology solves Project scope and objectives How does an SDTC project advance the technology toward commercialization? Size of market opportunity Potential environmental benefits
Media Ready Description Provide a short description of your technology and project - not to exceed 2 paragraphs - that could be made publicly available. Typical examples can be found in the descriptions of previously funded projects, which can be found at