War Photographer
Summary Summarise this poem in 25 words A war photographer is dealing with life after the war zone and how he has been affected. He cannot understand why nobody feels as passionately as him.
Speaker/Structure of the poem List 3 things we learn about the speaker of this poem: They have been to war zones and seen people die, they cannot escape the horrors of war, they do not belong in rural England any more How do the speaker’s feelings change?: They feel safe in the dark room but this causes them to release their feelings and show they are upset and disturbed, feels upset and frustrated with the lack of compassion from the public Why is this important?: They are illustrating the true horrors of war and the difficulty that is faced. You need to show people pictures to make them care but the more they see the more normal it becomes
Themes Pick 3 themes: war, death, emotion, relationships, contrast, memory, effect of the past on the present How are they developed in the poem? Pick at least 1 quotation for each theme
Quotations Pick 5 quotations: “a half formed ghost” Identify 2 techniques used in each quotation: word choice, metaphor Explain literal and deeper meaning of the technique: Literally means that the photo is not fully developed and so the image is transparent. Just as a ghost is an entity that haunts people so too the photographer cannot escape his memories of the man dying and it causes him fear and upset. The word choice of “half- formed” suggests that it is not complete possibly showing he is trying to block out the most painful parts of his memory What effect does it create? This creates the effect that the photographer has been disturbed by his experiences and cannot escape the things he has seen. The horrors of war have changed him forever.