Aponte a trilha Figura 18 de X a X ISHIHARA, S., The Series of Plates Designed a Test for Colour-Blindness, Kanehara Shuppan Co. Ltd., Tokio, Japan
Aponte a trilha Figura 19 de X a X ISHIHARA, S., The Series of Plates Designed a Test for Colour-Blindness, Kanehara Shuppan Co. Ltd., Tokio, Japan
Aponte a trilha Figura 20 de X a X ISHIHARA, S., The Series of Plates Designed a Test for Colour-Blindness, Kanehara Shuppan Co. Ltd., Tokio, Japan
Aponte a trilha Figura 21 de X a X ISHIHARA, S., The Series of Plates Designed a Test for Colour-Blindness, Kanehara Shuppan Co. Ltd., Tokio, Japan
Aponte a trilha Figura 22 de X a X ISHIHARA, S., The Series of Plates Designed a Test for Colour-Blindness, Kanehara Shuppan Co. Ltd., Tokio, Japan
Aponte a trilha Figura 23 de X a X ISHIHARA, S., The Series of Plates Designed a Test for Colour-Blindness, Kanehara Shuppan Co. Ltd., Tokio, Japan
Aponte a trilha Figura 24 de X a X ISHIHARA, S., The Series of Plates Designed a Test for Colour-Blindness, Kanehara Shuppan Co. Ltd., Tokio, Japan