6/5/2019 6:11 PM Dead Ball Officiating Plan what should happen when play stops instead of Wondering why shit happens when play stops Randy Wong March 3, 2019 © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Dead Ball Philosophy When the ball is dead, be alive! No one else is paying much attention to the players during dead ball, but that is when bad things can happen. Then everyone sees something bad that you let happen. Good officials keep their eyes on the players to take care of any issues that come up.
Stoppage in Play—Whistle If you hear a whistle, follow play and make sure players stop and don’t mix it up; then look to your partner(s) for communication If you hear a whistle on a shot and are trail, STAY WITH SHOOTER until you know he is safe, then look to partner(s) for communication If you blew whistle, give partner(s) time to make sure play is safe, then communicate situation
Stoppage in Play—Time Out or End of Quarter Make sure players in your area stop and aren’t continuing play/mixing it up Bench go to mid-field and watch where players cross Far side go with players to mid-field where they cross After both teams in their half of field, do your scorecard, talk with partners
Stoppage in Play--Injury Blow whistle, quick assess of injured, call for trainer if needed Watch other players, back them off Send teams to their bench if more time needed, listen and watch as they cross Talk to partner(s) if a flag down, if no flag, have rationale ready for coach
Stoppage in Play—Loose-ball Technical Foul, Your Whistle Blow whistle to stop play Whistle and dead ball hand up, simultaneously Report foul Make signal and say foul Say color of team getting the ball, “ball”, point direction Restart with whistle No need to count players or check partner(s)
Stoppage in Play—Loose-ball Technical, Not Your Whistle Watch your area players to ensure they have stopped Look to partner(s) for their communication Go to ready position
Loose-ball Restart Potential Problems No running restarts Placement of ball, in proximity, you judge possible advantage/disadvantage Player disagreement on call You could warn player, tell him to go through his coach, assess conduct/personal foul OR just restart play
Stoppage in Play—Time Serving Penalties, Your Whistle If your flag, communicate to players/partner(s) If complex situation, make sure field situation is secure, huddle with partner(s) Bench official communicate to table Other official(s) get players, ball ready Bench official starts timer after completing report to table
Stoppage in Play—Time Serving Penalty, Not Your Whistle If your flag, communicate to players/partner(s) If complex situation, make sure field situation is secure, huddle with partner(s) If you are bench official communicate to table Other official(s) get players, ball ready, tell goalie number men down, penalty time, and where ball is restarting Bench official starts timer after completing report to table
Time Serving Penalty Restart As bench reporting official returns to top of box, other official(s) should be giving “go” signal if bench official has restart whistle Bench official either blows restart or gives “go” signal so “on” official can blow restart
Goal Scored, Dead Ball—Lead Blow for goal, once ball in the goal, look to and focus on crease area as you jog to goal mouth Signal goal to mid-field, get ball Move toward top of box while watching and listening to players in crease area Give ball to partner at top of box, go to wing, set timer when partner at FO THEN do your scorecard
Goal Scored, Dead Ball—Trail Trail hears whistle after a shot, STAY WITH SHOOTER until you know he is safe, then look to lead Go to top of box to get ball from partner while still watching and listening to players With ball, jog to FO, step over line, turn towards goal THEN do scorecard—game will wait for you
Dead Ball Aspirations Nobody yelling to hurry-up and blow whistle Everybody knows who has ball and direction of play (especially your partner!) Game moves along in timely manner No advantage/disadvantage to either team off of a too slow/too quick restart Both teams enjoy quick, safe restarts
Dead Ball Officiating Don’t let shit happen! Make it a great season. Questions?