Two methods to observe tutorial Standard Method This method allows presentation to be resized to user preference. Slide Show Method (Example below) Presentation fills entire screen Click on Slide Show tab at top of screen Click icon <From Beginning> Note: Either method; to advance click the progression arrow in the bottom right corner of each slide or press the down-arrow key.
Transaction Procedures Welcome to BSIP 101 Transaction Procedures Initial Setup Instructor: Stephen Wright DPI Technical Consultant
Purpose: To set primary default settings for BSIP usage.
Six transactions are required to complete initial setup. Interface Settings Setting up Purchase Orders Default Printer Monthly/Yearly Cost Reports Single Screen work Orders Extend Material Setup Let’s get started -
Interface Settings Purpose: To setup the primary screen to display better information.
From the SAP R/3 Easy Access screen From the top menu click on Extras. This will activate a drop menu to display. Click on Settings
A new window appears Settings Input: ü Check the boxes: Do not display picture Display technical names Click the Continue icon to record changes. Tip: This process speeds up access to the primary menu screen and adds transaction codes to the items on the favorites list.
Printer Settings Purpose: To setup a default printer.
From the SAP R/3 Easy Access screen From the top menu click on System. This will activate a drop menu to display. Click on User Profile
From the SAP R/3 Easy Access screen This will activate a second drop menu to display. Click on Own Data
A new window appears Maintain User Profile Select the middle tab labeled Defaults
Under the Spool Control heading - click in the field titled Output Device; this will activate the field. Select the Matchcode icon at the end of the field.
A new window appears Spool Output Device Input: In the field titled Output Device; key DPI*. (* = Keypress Shift-8) Click the Start Search icon or press <Enter> to continue.
A new window appears Spool Output Device (2) Two Selections appear: DPI_PRINTER (Recommended) DPI_PRINTER_SELECT (Described on next slide)
The difference of the selections DPI_PRINTER_SELECT includes a Printer Options Selection window (shown to the right) every time the user chooses to print. Tip: This feature is useful if the user consistently desires to use a different printer for certain tasks (ex: 30 Day Inspections at printer A; Preventative Maintenance prints at printer B, etc.) If the user prints to an individual printer; we suggest the option DPI_PRINTER utilized.
A new window appears Spool Output Device (2) Input: Click on the selection preferred (This will highlight the type) Click the Copy icon or press <Enter> to continue.
A new window appears Maintain User Profile Input: ü Print Now ü Delete After Output Click the Save icon to record all changes.
Single Screen Work Order Purpose: To set defaults; optimizing usage of work orders
Your screen should look similar to the example at the right. From the SAP R/3 Easy Access screen box type IW33 or from your favorites menu, select transaction IW33 – Display PM Order. Your screen should look similar to the example at the right.
A new window appears Display Order: Initial Screen Input any valid 11 digit work order number in the Order field. Click the Enter icon or press <Enter> to continue.
A new window appears Display DPI Corrective Maintenance Order {###########}: Central Header From the top menu click on Extras. This will activate a drop menu to display. Click on Settings
A new window appears Display DPI Corrective Maintenance Order {###########}: Central Header This will activate a new drop menu to display. Click on Default Values
A new window appears User Default Values General Tab (Input) Planning Plant = 6000 (Always)
A new window appears User Default Values General Tab (Input) Planner group Click within the field; this will cause the Match Code icon to display. Click the Match Code icon
A new window appears Planner Group for Customer Service and Plant Maintenance General Tab (Input) Planner group Use the scroll bar to the right of this window to discover the name of your county. When the name is discovered click on the county name (this will highlight the name); then click on the Copy icon to make the selection or you may double click the county name.
A new window appears User Default Values General Tab (Input) Main Work Center 1st field = TECHWORK 2nd field = LEA’s Plant Code Tip: For training purposes with permission from the county; Macon County’s numbers are used: Planner group = 056 Main work center = 6056
Click on the Ext. procurement tab A new window appears Display DPI Corrective Maintenance Order {###########}: Central Header Click on the Ext. procurement tab Your screen should look similar to the example at the right.
A new window appears User Default Values External Procurement Tab (Input) Purchase Group = A99 (Always) G/L Account = 52331003 (Always) Material Group = VMRS (Always) Click the Save icon to record changes. Click the Continue icon to close the dialogue box. Click the Exit icon to close the dialogue box.
Extend Material Setup Purpose: To setup defaults; to extend materials
Your screen should look similar to the example at the right. From the SAP R/3 Easy Access screen box type ZMM01Z or from your favorites menu, select transaction ZMM01Z – Extend Material for Plant. Your screen should look similar to the example at the right.
Create Material (Initial Screen) A new window opens: Create Material (Initial Screen) Input: Material - Enter any valid material number. (Ex: For training purposes we selected FQA008425) Copy from… Material - Repeat the material number you used above.
Create Material (Initial Screen) A new window opens: Create Material (Initial Screen) Input: Click Tip: If appears at the bottom of the Create Material (Initial Screen) then the number keyed is invalid or used by the port authority only. Please recheck the DOT number and retry.
A new window appears Select View(s) Input: Click on the Select All icon for this new window.
A new window appears Select View(s) Input: Use the right-hand scroll bar; scroll down until you see: Warehouse Management 1 Warehouse Management 2 Remove the highlight from these two items by clicking on the button to the left of each of them. Place a ü in Create views selected box. Click to record your selections made.
A new window appears Select View(s) Input: Place a ü in View selection only on request Click to record your selections made.
A new window appears Organizational Levels Input: Organizational Levels Plant (Your County) Storage Location (Your County) Copy from Plant = 6000 (Always) Storage Location = 8000 (Always) Click
A new window appears Organizational Levels Choose: Extend Material Click if you wish to extend this particular material to your plant. Click (to save) Click (to menu) Do NOT Extend Material Click to not extend this particular material to your plant. Click (to menu)
Setting Up ME21N Purpose: To setup Purchase Order Screen layout
Your screen should look similar to the example at the right. From the SAP R/3 Easy Access screen box type ME21N or from your favorites menu, select transaction ME21N – Create Purchase Order Your screen should look similar to the example at the right.
A new window appears: Create Purchase Order Click to advance to the default settings menu.
A new window appears: Personal Settings Default Values tab – PO Header Doc. Type = Dummy Purchase Order Purchasing Org. = DOT Purchase Group = Unassigned Company Code = NCDPI Tip: To assist in populating the fields you may click on the drop down icon and then choose the selection from the fields option list. Click on
A new window appears: Change Layout Add Currency to Display Fields Move Currency from the Hidden fields section to the Display fields section by clicking on the selection button to the left of Currency. Next click the Show Selection Fields Icon ; Currency will now be in the Display fields section under Purchasing Group. Click to record selection changes.
A new window appears: Personal Settings Default Values tab - PO Header Currency = USD Tip: To assist in populating the field you may click on the drop down icon and then choose the selection from the fields option list. Default Values tab - PO Item Click on Default Values tab – Purchase Order Item tab
A new window appears: Personal Settings Default Values tab - PO Item Plant (Your County) Storage Location (Your County) ü The fields Always Propose to the right of Plant and Storage Location Click the Save icon to record changes.
A new window appears: Create Purchase Order Arrange Columns (Your Preference) Q. How? A. Click on column header; while holding the mouse button down drag column to left or right.
A new window appears: Create Purchase Order Arrange Columns (Your Preference) Q. How? A. Click on column header; while holding the mouse button down drag column to left or right.
A new window appears: Create Purchase Order Arrange Columns (Saving your Preference) Click Table Setting icon to open the Table Settings window. Enter your username in the Variant field. Click the button to create the new table. Click to record changes. Click Exit icon to return to main menu.
Initial Setup is complete
Questions Email:
Thank You! Stephen Wright Technical Consultant