Planning for Post Secondary Education NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. College 101
What Is? 36 Number of private four-year colleges in VA 1,297 Number of college transcripts that were requested this year 60% National six-year Graduation Rate National four-year Graduation Rate – 36% 71% National Freshman Retention Rate
How do we pick a college? US News & World Report’s #1 The College that is most prestigious. The College that the family can afford. The College with the best football team. It is mostly up to the students.
What is magic? There is no magic A + B = does not always equal C Different outcomes – different years Research, research, research … “Some families research the purchase of a $10,000 used car more than a $100,000 education”
Key Terms Graduation Rate Retention Rate Acceptance Rate Cost of Attendance Test Optional Coalition Application Faculty-to-student ratio Early Decision, Early Action, Regular Decision, Rolling Admissions Naviance GAP YEAR FAFSA
Research Post-Secondary Options What are your options? 4 year college (69%) 2 year college (23%) Military (2%) Employment Apprenticeships and Internships GAP Year Resources Mr. West – Career Center Specialist School Counselors Other adults – community members College Visits College Fairs and High School Visits Naviance Student – LCPS GO On-line resources A few listed at the end of the presentation
My list of colleges Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Now through August before senior year Fall of senior year Reach, target, safety Spring of senior year Round 2 1. Visit 2. Majors 3. Cost 1. Apply 2. Deadlines 3. Visit again Round 3
Student’s Interest vs Parent’s Interest Location – distance from home Size and Diversity – what does 400 mean to you? Personal Opportunities (friends, sports) Extracurricular/weekends Reputation among friends Application deadline and difficulty level Majors Location – what surrounds the college campus? Who teaches undergraduates? Academic Opportunities (majors) Retention Rate COST!!!!!!!!!!!! Scholarships Reputation in workforce and community
College’s Interest OBJECTIVE SUBJECTIVE Academic Courses Challenging courses Core Subjects all four years Have you stretched yourself Overall Performance (GPA/Rank) Grades in advanced courses Test Scores SAT or ACT Volume of Applications (college) Extra Curricular Depth of involvement, contributions Quality vs Quantity Essays Stick to the topic and length This is your “megaphone” Recommendations Someone who knows you Interview and Campus visit Does it impact admissions?
What post secondary schools do LCHS students attend? James Madison Virginia Liberty NOVA Virginia Tech Christopher Newport George Mason Virginia Commonwealth West Virginia NOVA 72 Virginia Tech 35 James Madison 22 Virginia Commonwealth 19 Christopher Newport 18 George Mason 15 Virginia 12 West Virginia 10 Liberty 8
Non-resident Scholarship Get Organized List of dates Application Deadlines, Scholarships, Transcript Requests List of passwords Write everything down Double Check/Follow Up Recommendations, Application type, Transcripts Mary Washington Lynchburg South Carolina In- State Private Out of State 29,000 (COA) 52,000 (COA) 50,500 (COA) November 15th (E.A.) November 15th (E.D.) November 15th (Honors) Washington Scholar Merit Scholarship Non-resident Scholarship
Community College 23% of LCHS Students Gives students an opportunity to grow academically, emotionally and socially. Gives families an opportunity financially. What occupations require an associates degree? Virginia’s articulation agreement
Advanced Placement vs Dual Enrollment 19 courses offered at LCHS CollegeBoard Two week testing window in May Test determines the college credit Score Range (1-5) College specific (mostly 4,5) 6 courses offered at LCHS NOVA and local colleges Semester based credit Students earn college credit Do all four-year colleges accept Dual Enrollment credit from course taken at LCHS? College specific
High School Transcript
College 101 Closing Remarks
What is best for you – the student No matter your skills, talents, interests or abilities – if you want to go to college, there is a college for you! Do research EARLY! Use your resources! Be careful how neighbors, Facebook (Social Media), siblings might try to influence your thoughts about a college, etc. Visit the campus. Most important year? Junior year? Be honest with yourself
What is best for you – the parent Do not play the system Build boundaries When to discuss college applications, scholarships “College is a match to be made, not a prize to be won” Be careful of others offering help – people usually discuss extreme situations Be careful of social media
Future Days of Interest April 15-19 Spring Break June 10 Last Day of School August 16 Senior Parent Night August 25 SAT September 22 College Fair - SBHS October Financial Aid Night November Super Saturday December 7 SAT at LCHS
Resources Example of transferable credit to college Loudoun County High School - School Counseling Webpage CollegeBoard Federal Student Aid LCPS Scholarship Link Naviance for college search, scatter grams based on LCHS data Students should use LCPS GO