Search March 11, 12, 18, 19
Today’s Rules 1 2 3 4 5 1. Look and listen to the teacher. 2. Tune out any unnecessary noise. 2 3. Be mindful of another student’s workspace. 3 4. Take great care of the materials and return them. 4 5. Always do your best work in Search. 5
The History of Puzzling
The Puzzle Club You will work with a partner. Each partnership will get a Puzzle Club Card to check out a puzzle the way you check out a book from the library. You will get the teacher to put an “X” beside that puzzle’s name. When you have solved the puzzle, raise you hand for the teacher to check and collect the pieces in the zip- lock bag. You and your partner may check out another puzzle the same way until class is over. At the end of class, turn the unfinished puzzles over. The pieces are numbered 1-24 or 1-48. Put them in order to make sure there are no missing pieces. When they are in order, raise your hand for the teacher to come and collect the pieces in the zip-lock bag.
Time to Puzzle Get your Puzzle Card and have fun until it is time to clean up.
Clean Up Please find any missing pieces. Turn in all puzzles to the teacher. Instead of handing out any prizes this week, the substitute teacher is writing down the names of students who are good listeners in class. She/he will tell Mr. Morgan the names and he will pass out the winning prize for one of the people on the list of good listeners when he returns.