Jarosław Skibiński Presales – Europe Enablement & Infoline Team
3 Agenda – Topics to be covered Objective of the Enablement&Infoline team Infoline service where it comes from current status and goal eSTEP portal – or how to know about of a computer S/N without even touching it... eSTEP Newsletter eSTEP Techcasts
4 Mission of the Enablement&Infoline team To deliver actively and reactively vendor level technical knowledge on Oracle Hardware Products and Solutions to our Partners
5 Mission objectives Influence and convince Partners of the value of working with our products. Enable Partners by delivering a well planned and organised education Support Partners by delivering cross EMEA answers to all Hardware pre- sales related technical questions in local language (where possible) Doing so in tight interaction with Presales-, Sales-, Business Development and Enablement-Organisations. Resulting in our Partners being able to act more&more self-sufficient.
6 Why the regional presales group is so important? DUE TO: mostly indirect countries based almost solely on partners the size of the countries partner resources – few people on board lack of direct access to resources and founds available in large countries: marketing, events, direct meetings, etc. THE PRESALES OFFERS access to the much wider presales technical community based on European team access to different tools and publications foreseen for partners we may try to handle their issues with max care and attention
7 Infoline - history Originated in Germany back in 1999 Implemented in France around 2007 Next instances: Poland, whole Scandinavia, UK+Ireland, Africa & Middle East Internal tool to answer presales technical questions Simple system working in the scheme query=ticket and the follow up Idea on one subject per question to be followed Easiness in tracking and clear status of the incoming questions NOT designed to prepare quotes/specifications NOT foreseen for marketing/sales oriented questions
8 Infoline – current status delivered through whole Europe, Africa and Middle East available for wide choice of customers: Partner presales technical issues Internal presales people within Oracle Oracle Direct queries delivered in couple of languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish & possible more to come if needed despite there is no fixed priorities waste amount of questions answered within couple of hours the team behind is a nice set of professionals with long time (10 years+) IT experience growing number of requests per month: June-80, July-100, August-120
9 Infoline – where to address questions two separte aliases designated for a bit different audience: addressing your partner customers - - where we would like to receive questions coming from VAD's, VAR's, and any other kind of foreseen for our internal customers - - which is for our colleagues based within Oracle (engineers, Oracle direct, others dealing with presales technical issues) looking for some technical advice on the portfolio we one professional team ready to answer and deal with the issues
11 eSTEP - message The eSTEP is an integrated program for VAR's and VAD's to give them relevant technical information for their day-to-day life consisting of a portal, a regular monthly newsletter, Techcasts and Campaigns. May also include irregular webcasts to specific up-to- date topics or Oracle Open World News summary.
12 eSTEP Portal eSTEP – EMEA System Technology Enablement Program access: use your own and the following password: eSTEP_2011 source of technical information for the whole partner community within the region particular sections: News: up to date tech info like T4, Virtualization etc. Events:Techcasts, info about them, past events, recordings, contacts Downloads: repository of useful tools: Sun Rack II calculator, EOL dashboard Links: HW, SW, general partner info, service & support, all in one place Contacts: coordinates to the editors Newsletter; to be covered separately Oracle Tech News generated automated way
13 eSTEP Portal – more on it The info available on the portal is regarded as public; therefore no confidential, internal or any other classified materials are or will be available Portal is foreseen as a place for free access to the possible widest audience; you/your colleagues/partners – all the presales community is more then welcome to share info about it and contribute if they wish and would like to The entire site is available in English as the corp language; up to know there are no plans to extend the language coverage, but may depend on the needs Users may give their input filling a simple questionnaire or contacting people listed under contacts
14 eSTEP Newsletter – general info Monthly publication started in June 2011; placed on eSTEP Three issues so far, next to come around the 20 th of September Editors committee: & Strictly and purely technical issues; no marketing, no sales, no buzz, no brainwashing Available in English Distributed in the indirect way via presales engineers contact within particular countries; as locally as possible Foreseen some feedback questionnaire at the end of the year
15 eSTEP newsletter – sections - Work with spezialists Editorial – focus for the current issues Notes from corp: the only place we deal with some overall corp info: important notes, finance, announcements, take overs Technical section (the most important one): core technology news, new products, articles from technologists, the core of the publication Learning and events: global and local events accessible to partners, pointers to available materials How to's: tools, materials which makes partner's life easier, tips & tricks, if possible based also on feedback from the Infoline Useful resources: repeated section with the most important info&links within hand grasp
16 eSTEP Techcasts Originally developed in UK Held always each first Thursday of the month all over year One hour including the time for Q&A session Always delivered in English Presented by the specialists within particular subjects Focus on most current/vital/important/critical technical issues Each interested engineer/partner is free to join it Each session recorded and available later on the eSTEP portal:
17 Summary Infoline: if partner customers have presales technical questions - for our internal Oracle customers - one question – one subject English as preferred language eSTEP Portal access: use your and the following password: eSTEP_2011 provide direct or indirect feedback and share the good new eSTEP Newsletter: monthly, technical, up to date, free to distribute, present on eSTEP portal Techcasts: each first Thursday, purely tech, best specialists, recorder and available on eSTEP
18 Questions & answers
19 Presales – Europe Enablement & Infoline Team Thank you