Shelter and Care for Unaccompanied Minors MINOR-NDAKO Shelter and Care for Unaccompanied Minors
What is Minor-Ndako Founded in 2000, because of a need for better care for UM. Not just bread, bed and bath, but a home, individual care and a future Recognized & financed by Flemish Government (regional) Department Youth Care/Social Welfare Started with one residential centre for 15 unaccompanied minors, but grew fast and still growing Also two groups for Belgian children under 12, as requested by the government Now four centers, two in Brussels, one in Aalst en one in Dilbeek
Activities of Minor-Ndako: - Residential care in small living units: maximum of 12 youngsters per group (age-related) boys and girls < 12 years: Flemisch/Brussels children mixed with UM > 12 years: only UAM 47 res. places for UM: based in Anderlecht (16) Brussels (4), Dilbeek (10), Aalst (17) -Open 24h/24h: reception in crisis is possible - Assisted living: Minimum age: 17 years old – exceptions are possible. Age is a relative factor! - Focus on integration/self-reliance/autonomy - Capacity of 46 places Total approximately 100 unaccompanied minors
Kids of Minor-Ndako: Most vulnerable UM (trauma, age <12, …) Victims of trafficking (protected centre, not closed!) European UM (child in need – scope of youth care) They have fled wars, poverty and personal tragedies Inclusion into Belgian society is a high priority for us
Ahmed 11 years old Syria Arrived alone at the airport of Zaventem
S T O W A Y Benjamin Estimated 16 years old at his arrival Guinee
Asiullah, 17 years old Afghanistan Travelled 15 months before arriving in Europe Asiullah, 17 years old Afghanistan
Minor-Ndako Running Club Why we run with our kids Being outside the centre Positive effects of running (physically and mentally) - What do we do Six races every year Aim 2016: each race with an sponsor Weekly training Monthly training with third parties Why we run with others To promote inclusion To give third parties the opportunity to be introduced into the world of our youngsters To bring a positive story about young refugees
As a sponsor: Minor-Ndako Running Club What do I have to do? Inscriptions T-shirts and if you want: join us on monthly training! What get I in return? Engagement meet our youngsters meet a warm and enthusiastic organization