Bargain By: A.B. Guthrie Theme and Point of View
Preparing to Read Identify and define the Literary Focus element of this text. Identify and define the Reading Focus skills used in this text. What is the Writing Focus assignment and what are you asked to look for as you read the beginning of the text?
Author Information Read the “Meet the Writer” section on page 400. Make a list of at least three important facts you learn about the author. Circle the detail you think is the most important.
Quick Write Bullying What is your definition of bullying? Have you ever been a bully, experienced being bullied, or witnessed it before? How do you think people should react to bullying? Why do you think someone might bully other people?
Vocabulary For each of the words below, write a definition, create a sentence that demonstrates your understanding of the term, and construct an illustration that represents the term. Prodded Merchandise Evaporation Thermometer Pneumonia
What are some adjective you could use to describe the pictures above What are some adjective you could use to describe the pictures above? How might this picture help you connect to the story?
Famous Cowboys Wyatt Earp Doc Holliday Annie Oakley Calamity Jane (Little House on the Prairie - 35)
Build Background and Preview the Selection Read the “Build Background” and “Preview the Selection” sections on page 390. Make a list of at least three important facts you learn. Circle a detail that you think is the most important.
Preview and Predictions Before Reading Skills Preview and Predictions Make a list of the things you “know” or “think you know” based only on the text features. Make a list of at least 3 things you want to know, but you need to read in order to find out. What genre or type of text do you think we are reading? Why?
During Reading Skills Setting Purposes What’s the Purpose? Why are you reading this? What will you learn from this text? Why did the writer share this story? What’s the Purpose? Based on what you have previewed so far and learned about the author and the background of the stories, what are three purposes for reading this story.
Stop and Think!!! What conflicts do the characters in the story encounter? How do the various characters deal with those conflicts? Do the conflicts get resolved?