War & Revolution in England
4 5 6 1 3 2 Tudors
Revolution Act of Supremacy 1534 declared King to be head of the new Church of England. Why? Henry VIII wanted to divorce Wife #1 but couldn’t under Catholic rules. So he made his own “rules” giving himself a lot of power over church. Created the Church of England (Anglican Church)
Revolution War between King and Parliament What would be their roles in ruling the country ? War based on Religion
Queen Elizabeth 1558 takes throne Catholic half sister = bloody Mary (killed Protestants: anyone who protested Catholicism) Eli repeals laws favoring Catholics Favors Protestants Act of Uniformity tries to bring religious unity to England by forcing attendance to church and prayer.
Question What was the main reason Elizabeth I worked with Parliament?
Divine Rights Elizabeth I dies 1603 (end of Tudor monarchy) King of Scotland (cousin) takes throne = James I of England (AKA James VI of Scotland) James I believed in Divine Right of Kings: received his power from God. (Stuart monarchy begins) Parliament no-likey divine rights thingy. They wanted equality
Stuarts Edward VI = Makes England Protestant dies at 15 Mary Tutor = Bloody Mary. Older sister of Elizabeth I. Married Phillip II of Spain. But never had children, lived separately, England and Spain never became one kingdom. When she died English crown Elizabeth I because it was thought that Phillip didn’t have a right to the throne. Mary was a Catholic. Liked to kill Protestants. Hence the nickname: Protestants Elizabeth a Protestant tried to be a pacifier of Catholic and Protestants in England. Elizabeth I = Last Tudor
Puritans Parliament was Puritan Charles I (son of James I) believed in Divine Right Parliament limited his power with Petition of Rights He ignored it. Puritans (Pilgrims) leave to America rather then accept Charles’s church policies
Question What were provision of the Petition of Rights?
English Civil War 1642 Cavaliers (supporters of King) –vs- Roundheads (supporters of Parliament) Parliament wins thanks to Oliver Cromwell Military Genius and his Model Army: New army, New tactics. With this Cromwell gets rid of parliament members who did not like him. Executed King. Gets rid of Monarchy.
Cromwell as Lord Protector
Restoration Cromwell dies Charles II brings back the Monarchy. (Stuarts)
Question What was one result of Puritan rule in England?
Under Charles II, Parliament regains its power. Charles II sympathetic to Catholics. But Parliament passes Test Act: Only Anglicans can hold government and military positions. England fears becoming a Catholic country, like Spain and France.
Glorious Revolution Parliament invites William III of Orange (Dutch) to invade England (get rid of Catholics). William was son-in-law to James II (King at the time) Mary doesn’t want to go against dad William wants to fight France (get land) and use England’s $$$. King James II is defeated and flees to France (becomes Catholic). Parliament makes William and Mary the monarchs. They accept along with The English Bill of Rights. Change ends power of Monarchy in England. Parliament gained more control of government.
Bills of Rights Includes Parliaments right Peoples Rights Make laws Levy taxes Peoples Rights Bear arms Jury trial Elections Freedom of religion (Puritans Only!!)
The Thirty Year’s War 1618-1648 Treaty of Westphalia (1648) Changed the way countries dealt with one another – national sovereignty was respected for the first time England and France became the two dominant powers of the 17th Century and led the revolutions in science, philosophy and political theory Treaty sets up boundaries of France and England to prevent invasion. Country “Lines” were clear
Question Write about the significance of the Glorious Revolution?
Wrap Up Write a few characteristics of Britain’s Constitutional government in the 1700s. How are they similar to the laws of the United States? Explain