Franks Tuesday 2/19
Do Now: Read over all questions and answer questions #1-11
Objective: you will be able to review the Franks using a series of videos and completing the guided questions Standard: Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
What are we doing today? Do Now Objective Review Franks Videos Make generalizations about Clovis, Charles Martel, Pepin, and Charlemagne Homework Academic: Meme is due tomorrow 2/20 Homework Gifted: Meme is due tomorrow 2/20
What is a meme? Some represent real life events, ideas, or themes Some use humor, sarcasm, and satire An internet meme is an image with a funny caption or slogan
Directions for Meme You will be making a meme about one of the following people: - Clovis, Pepin, Charles Martel, or Charlemagne (Charles the Great) You will chose an image of your person, or of a picture that relates to the person you chose You will add text (caption, slogan, statement) to your picture The text must relate to the material we are learning. Think of your person’s accomplishments, events they were involved in, etc. Your text MUST include PEDKaP At least 2-3 sentence description of your meme and what it means
Rubric for Meme Assignment Focus (2 pts) -Meme is about one of the following people: Clovis, Pepin, Charles Martel, Charlemagne (1 pt) -Meme has a picture that relates to chosen person and text (1 pts) Content (5 pts) -Meme has text that is appropriate and relates to class material (2 pts) -Discusses the person’s accomplishments, characteristics, events involved in, etc. -2-3 sentence description of meme is included (3 pts) -Description includes PEDKaP -Description discusses what the meme represents/means Style and Conventions (3 pts) -Students name is included (1 pt) -Assignment is in the form of Meme(1 pt) -No spelling errors (1 pt)
Meme Example Description of Meme My meme represents Charlemagne and his accomplishments during his reign. My meme states “You think you can scare me?”, because he was so powerful and accomplished so much it would be hard to intimidate him. Charlemagne became the first Holy Roman Emperor after he saved Pope Leo III from Roman Lombards. Charlemagne was also responsible for uniting most of Western Europe for the first time since the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
Charlemagne, Pepin, Clovis, Charles Martel Closure: in groups make generalizations about two of the following people: Charlemagne, Pepin, Clovis, Charles Martel Making generalizations: using factual information given in several sources to create factual statements Identify subject matter and gather facts and examples from sources Recognize similarities or patterns among the facts and examples gathered Use the similarities or patterns to form general ideas about the subject Write your generalization