University at Buffalo Facilities & Administrative Cost Space Survey May 30, 2019
Agenda Why a sponsored program space survey is required. Examples of Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs. Roles and Responsibilities. Timeline and Contact Information.
Why is a space survey required? Every four years the Research Foundation is required to submit on behalf of the campus a Facilities and Administrative (F&A) cost proposal to the Division of Cost Allocation (DCA). DCA is part of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). When the F&A proposal is submitted and negotiated with the federal government F&A rates are established. The campus can be reimbursed for expenses incurred in providing Facilities and Administrative support to organized research awards, instruction and other sponsored activities through the F&A rate. - Example: Campus is applying for a new federal research grant. In the grant proposal application the campus would include the current F&A rate to ensure reimbursement of campus facilities and administrative costs once the grant is awarded. During the last fiscal year the campus indirect cost recoveries were 40.4 million dollars. What is a space survey? - The process of assigning institutional space into functional categories based on space use. - Functional categories are defined by the Federal Office of Management and Budget in the Uniform Guidance. Examples include Instruction and Departmental Research, Organized Research, Other Sponsored Activities, etc. The Uniform Guidance contains the cost principles for educational institutions, and provides guidance on defining and determining direct and indirect costs.
Why is a space survey required? A space survey provides the supporting documentation of the space results. The results are used as a statistic to allocate the facility related costs in the F&A proposal. Critical component of the F&A rate proposal. Federal regulations require the allocation of facilities costs be based upon functional use of space. Must identify research space in specific percentage terms. Cannot use predominant use. Academic departments with large organized research are the focus of the F&A space survey. The space survey is subject to federal and other audits. The quality of your response determines the accuracy and defensibility of the allocation of costs in the F&A rate proposal.
Examples of F&A Costs Examples of F&A Costs: Facilities Costs: 1. Building – Depreciation costs of building and improvements. 2. Equipment – Depreciation costs of University and Nonfederal equipment. 3. Building Interest 4. Operations & Maintenance - Utilities, custodial services, routine maintenance and repairs etc. 5. Library – Books, materials, library staff and library related services.
Roles and Responsibilities Department Coordinator: Ensure that all space is reflected in the inventory. Identify PI’s and occupants to research space. Ensure room descriptions and room numbers are correct. Ensure room square footage seems reasonable. Be familiar with the function definitions. Identify the room functional percentages. Complete survey within prescribed time frame.
Roles and Responsibilities Campus Administrators: Provide assistance to departments regarding physical space inventory questions. Process any changes to the physical space inventory file. Respond to inquires relating to space survey process, space functions, and RF award and employee listings. Review space survey data with selected departments. Forward completed survey to RF Central Office.
Survey completion date: June 21, 2019 Timeline and Contact Information Survey completion date: June 21, 2019
Timeline and Contact Information Contact Information: For inventory space questions, please contact Dave Barnas at (716) 645-6333, or at For questions related to space functions, awards or employee listing please contact Marlin Garcia at (518) 434-7249, or at