WWI Post War Analysis Brock, Elena, Regan
Woodrow Wilson Woodrow Wilson was the 28th President of the United States before, during and after the First World War. It is important to state that Woodrow Wilson’s Presidential Platform was based on rights for people. Woodrow Wilson's fourteen points were a summary of changing times at the end of the First World War. The world was beginning to change from ideals of colonialism to globalism and Wilson addressed this in his speech.
The 14 Points https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y59wErqg4Xg 3:35-5:00 By demanding open diplomacy and freedom of the seas he set out to make sure that nations were free to act reasonably as they wished in their own national interests. The two most important points of his speech was his demand for free movement in the international economy (which is what ours looks like now) and the League of Nations which led to the allied forces in WWII and the United Nations after that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y59wErqg4Xg 3:35-5:00
Costs to the Triple Alliance Italy did not take as big of a hit when it came to the loss of men and money after the was in comparison to Germany and Austria. This is because Italy took sides with the allies immediately when the war started. Germany was in debt 31.5 billion dollars, they then started to print bills to pay it off and hyper inflated the economy. After the signing of the treaty Germany had to reduce the size of their army down to 100 thousand men, destroy the U-boat fleet, air force, and all tanks. Austria was so lost after the war that they found themselves without a government for a short period of time. In total More the 8 million people were lost in war from the triple alliance.
Why did the Triple Alliance Leave the War? This meant the triple alliance left due to the fact they had loss of allies, and the fact that losing the war would be higher. When Italy no longer had interest with being involved in the Triple Alliance, the Triple Alliance itself began to get weaker and weaker. By the time of 1902 Italy had signed a secret treaty with France, even though Italy refused to join with the central powers of the war. Many countries that were involved with the Triple Alliances decided to set a neutrality among the alliances. By May 3, Italy betrayed the Triple alliance leaving them weak and short of power.