Edgar Allen Poe's Tell-Tale Heart read by Christopher Lee http://mentalfloss.com/article/65 237/listen-sir-christopher-lee- read-stories-edgar-allan-poe
Images from the Tell-tale heart...
Why do you think the narrator wants to kill the old man? Write your first reaction in your journal. Please be sure to give specific details and reasons. Resources for the unit https://www.elacommoncorelessonplans.com/literature-reading-standards/exemplars-g-9-10/the-tell-tale-heart-lesson-plans-summary-and-analysis.html TEDed video of Poe's life and work: https://youtu.be/8lgg-pVjOok http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/edgar-allan-poe-buried-alive-about-the-film/8923/ A brief overview of a Biography film https://youtu.be/envukur1q3I the movie https://youtu.be/Pe0WyjiW5Ps a better version