Principal Investigator NASA Exploration Connection Ariel Anbar Principal Investigator NASA Exploration Connection April 30, 2019
Infiniscope Digital Teaching Network Brings Data-Driven Decision Tools to National Science Teacher Association Conference 431 science teachers from 42 states, D.C, and US Virgin Islands were excited join the Infiniscope Digital Teaching Network. Teachers were recruited during Hyperwall talks and demos held within the NASA booth at NSTA in St. Louis, Missouri from April 11-14, 2019. Teachers were surveyed to determine how they typically make data-driven decisions in the classroom. In talking with these science teachers, they were enthusiastic about Infiniscope because it offers STEM-focused activities that are: Built with data analysis tools to evaluate teaching and learning; Developed to be authentic using NASA data and subject matter experts; Customizable to the needs of their individual audiences; Aligned to the standards they need to cover; Designed for individualized learning by filling knowledge gaps and/or correcting misconceptions. 37% of new members teaching grades 5-12 are in Underserved / Underrepresented schools