What is Dialogue?
Dialogue A conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie. Sounds simple enough? Basically just a “Skit” with a focus on “Talking”
Some Famous Movie Dialogues?
Could Be Dramatic in a Varity of Ways! Happy Sad Funny Romantic Frustrated Argumentative Plotting Etc.
Between 2 People Only
Remember the Titans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCxEAzvQqnY
Office Space https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsLUidiYm0w
3 or More People
Seinfeld https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pezCrpDlmCs
Sit Coms are Great for this! Seinfeld Friends Frasier The Office Cheers The Big Bang Theory
Example in School https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpnlK5HxH38&t=54s
Your Task Create a Dialogue Scene from a movie, play, TV show, etc that is no shorter than ONE MINUTE in length and present 2 to 3 people per group. No exceptions Dialogue that is “Evenly Distributed” as much as possible
A Script Including The written Dialogue Stage Directions (Movements) Different COLOURED Fonts for the “Speaking” and the “Actions” Example: Mr. Meyer walks towards the SmartBoard Mr. Meyer walks over to the book shelf and picks up “Harry Potter”
Script Example Claire: Wow! What a beautiful day today! Claire walks towards the window and opens the blinds. Riley: Close those darn blinds Claire! My eyes are killing me! Riley stands up and starts shacking her fist wildly. Claire: Okay Okay! Jeez Riley you always have to make such a big deal out of everything!
Dialogue must Include 2 Actions PER PERSON Minimum 3 Props which are used somehow in the skit Must be AGE APPROPRIATE No swearing No inappropriate content ONE MINUTE in Length Well practised! with Notes if necessary NOT reading directly off paper!
How you will be Marked You bring Personality to your character (role) You demonstrate the distinct Relationship that your characters have with each other You use all 3 props appropriately Your movements are deliberate and relevant You develop an appropriate “Backdrop” for your scene that is projected onto the board You demonstrate dialogue with appropriate Range, Volume, Tone, Pace and Emotion