My Yr8 ICT Work Shona Mcevoy Enjoy!
Introduction This is a summary of all the ICT work I have done in Yr8. I have made lots of documents from different programmes which support my imaginary school production. Throughout the poster there are several hyperlinks which lead to all off my Yr8 ICT work. To follow please click on the buttons.
My Production Poster For my production I chose Scrooge. I have based the colour scheme around the play making it reds and blue as it is a Christmas play. It placed all the information e.g. times and dates in a text box. I used a very thick border outline for the poster to make it stand out. I used Harrington font for the main title and I used a cartoon image from clip art. Production Poster Production poster review
Ticketing System The 1 st hyperlink includes my seating plan, two different excel sheets which record ticket sales and sold & free seats automatically, and the 2 nd hyperlink contains an evaluation which explains everything. Ticketing System Evaluation
Mail Merge Mail Merge is an easier way to send out customised letters for sponsorships. It automatically takes names & details from a database and puts them on the letter, which means you do not have to fill them in manually. The programme is used for this is Microsoft Access. It is useful to use a mail merge because you don not have to fill in all the letters manually, and it tells where peoples business are based so you can choose local business if wanted. Before the Mail MergeAfter the Mail Merge
Profit & Loss Profit & Loss is an automatic way of calculating the profits and losses and calculating the total income of the play. I used Microsoft Excel. Profit & Loss
Credits Created by: Shona and the computer