Presented as Discussion Material for the Radiative Coupling Project


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Presentation transcript:

Presented as Discussion Material for the Radiative Coupling Project E3SMv1 Model Status Presented as Discussion Material for the Radiative Coupling Project March 8, 2019

Simulations – DECK/CMIP6 – reproducible with maint-1.0 tag AMIP Simulations ( 3 members with different ICs) 20180316.DECKv1b_A1.ne30_oEC.edison 20180622.DECKv1b_A2.ne30_oEC.edison 20180716.DECKv1b_A3.ne30_oEC.edison piControl, coupled (1 member, 500 years) 20180129.DECKv1b_piControl.ne30_oEC.Edison Historical, coupled (5 members, 1979-2014) 20180215.DECKv1b_H1.ne30_oEC.edison 20180220.DECKv1b_H2.ne30_oEC.ediso 20180302.DECKv1b_H3.ne30_oEC.edison 20180305.DECKv1b_H4.ne30_oEC.edison 20180307.DECKv1b_H5.ne30_oEC.edison Full data soon to be made directly accesible on NERSC HPSS Coupled hires simulation – to be submitted to HiResMIP 1950 condition, 50 years with noCNT (Classical Nucleation Theory) theta.20180906.branch_noCNT.A_WCYCL1950S_CMIP6_HR.ne120_oRRS18v3_ICG

Model Versions The code base for DECKv1 simulations is tagged as maint-1.0 E3SMv2 ‘V1p’ improvements by Po-Lun Ma (PNNL) for atmos, Additional atmos tuning Updates for ocean/ice/lnd components Code to freeze later 2019 (June or later) E3SMv3 Incorporate next generation developments (NGD) in E3SM Phase 2. Potentially other collaborative developments (like from our project) E3SMv4 Non-hydrostatic dycore, 3 km resolution atmos P3 microphysics, SHOC (simplified higher-order closure for turbulence)

Diagnostics Ensemble mean of AMIP Simulations (1985-2014) AMWG Diagnostics: Ensemble mean of coupled historical simulations (1985-2014) AMWG Diagnostics: 1950 coupled hires simulation with no CNT (years 26-55) AMWG Diagnostics:

Diagnostics – Surface Air Temperature, N. Polar ANN DJF

Diagnostics – DJF Surface Radiation LWCRF NetRad

OLR, ANN Tropical Focus I400 All-sky OLR Scatter-noScatter (-0.33 Wm-2) I350 All-sky OLR Scatter-noScatter (-0.31 Wm-2)

Diagnostics – TOA LWCF ANN

Diagnostics – Upper Air Temperature DJF JJA

Diagnostics – Surface Air Temperature, S. Polar ANN JJA

Diagnostics – JJA Surface Radiation LWCRF NetRad

From Yuying Zhang et al., JAMES, in review Diagnostics – Cloud Properties, ANN

From Yuying Zhang et al., JAMES, in review Diagnostics – Cloud Properties, ANN

From Yuying Zhang et al., JAMES, in review Diagnostics – Cloud Properties, ANN

From Yuying Zhang et al., JAMES, in review Diagnostics – Cloud Properties, ANN Zonal mean CALIPSO determined liquid cloud fraction as a function of temperature

From Yuying Zhang et al., JAMES, in review Diagnostics – Cloud Properties, ANN Zonal mean CALIPSO determined ice cloud fraction as a function of temperature

From Yuying Zhang et al., JAMES, in review Diagnostics – Cloud Properties, ANN Mixed Phased Cloud partitioning