Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) Writing software that supports a model wherein the data and their associated processing (called "methods") are defined as self-contained entities called "objects.“ Benefit: is that it is easier to develop, debug, and maintain applications that are more complex. Object-oriented programming (OOP) languages, such as C++ and Java, provide a formal set of rules for creating and managing objects.
Vocabulary words to know for OOPs: Object: is anything real or abstract, about which you store both data and operations that manipulate the data. Examples: an invoice, an organization, a computer screen, an airplane, and so on. Class: is an implementation that can be used to create multiple objects with the same attributes and behavior. Instance: is an object. Subclass: is a lower level in a class. Attribute: is data stored about an object. They are identifying characteristics of individual objects, such as: name, weight, or color. Operation: is an activity that reads or manipulates the data of an object. Method: is code that may be executed to perform a service.
Vocabulary Words to know: Algorithm: An algorithm (pronounced AL-go-rith-um) is a procedure or formula for solving a problem. Watch the video on https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-science/algorithms/intro-to- algorithms/v/what-are-algorithms Structured Programming: Structured programming (sometimes known as modular programming) is a subset of procedural programming that enforces a logical structure on the program being written to make it more efficient and easier to understand and modify. Structured programming frequently employs a top- down design model, in which developers map out the overall program structure into separate subsections. User Interface: The way a person interacts with a computer, tablet, smartphone or other electronic device. The user interface (UI) comprises the screen menus and icons, keyboard shortcuts, mouse and gesture movements, command language and online help, as well as physical buttons, dials and levers. Also included are all input devices, such as a mouse, keyboard, touchscreen, remote control and game controller. http://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia/term/