Henning Schulzrinne Columbia University Location-to-URL Mapping Architecture and Framework draft-ietf-ecrit-mapping-arch-01 Henning Schulzrinne Columbia University
LoST: Location-to-URL Mapping VSP1 cluster serving VSP1 replicate root information cluster serves VSP2 123 Broad Ave Leonia Bergen County NJ US root nodes NJ US NY US sip:psap@leonianj.gov search referral Bergen County NJ US Leonia NJ US
Leonia, NJ sip:psap@leonianj.gov LoST architecture G tree guide G G G T1: .us T2: .de broadcast (gossip) G resolver T2 (.de) seeker 313 Westview Leonia, NJ US T3 (.dk) T1 (.us) Leonia, NJ sip:psap@leonianj.gov
Status Incorporated comments by Murugaraj Shanmugam and Richard Barnes reviewers asked to confirm
Open issues Text and content generally stable Role of resolver route all requests through resolver -- including getServiceBoundary? Caching - where and what? just resolver or also forest guide? caching for service boundaries and <listServicesByLocation> Note: Not necessary to define for interoperability
Left to do Comments by Matt Lepinski (mostly editorial) WGLC