HOLY LIFE MINISTRIES “…Living to finish well” Couple of days ago we celebrated the dawn of another year. The New Year is here now. And like any other years, there would be some challenges, progress, achievement of goals and many other aspects of life. As believers, we are called by God to “come up hither, and I will show thee things….”(Rev. 4:1). Foremost and very importantly our walk with God this New Year should be deeper than ever. We are to make some concerted efforts to walk in obedience with Christ, and to improve in our relationship with the Holy Spirit in the area of our character and commitment. Israel, in the day of Jeremiah played religion, and did not seek to worship God in sincerity. They were trusting in the Temple, just like some so called Christians today are only playing church – Jer. 7:1-4. Jesus also condemned a mere formal religious attendance to God’s house – Luke 19:46. We must arise above church attendance as a mere religious tendencies.
HOLY LIFE MINISTRIES “…Living to finish well” In order to help us understand the teaching on how to develop a godly characteristics this year, I have use a common letter ‘C’, which I call ‘the seven C’s in our character’. Conversion – John 3:3-8; Acts 15:3, 4. Biblical conversion, is a change in character, form, disposition, action, attitude, emotion, viewpoint etc. It is a spiritual transformation, a renewal of one’s mind to the things of God. Also it is the acceptance of Jesus Christ to one’s life. 2. Conscience – Acts 24:16; Ro. 2:14-16; 1 Tim. 1:5, 19; 1 Pet. 3:16. Right after our conversion, our conscience (motives) must be made pure. Void of offense toward God and toward men. It is making restitution of all wrongs. Conscience in one word is the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one’s conduct (moral principles) and motives (actions or thoughts). HOLY LIFE MINISTRIES “…Living to finish well”
HOLY LIFE MINISTRIES “…Living to finish well” 3. Consecration – Rom. 12:1, 2; 2 Cor. 6:17; 1 Thess. 5:23; Jon 17:19; 2 Tim. 2:19-21 Biblical consecration starts the moment of repentance toward God and faith toward Jesus. It is a life entirely dedicated to God. It will imply His guidance or direction in all life’s decisions. Consecration or dedication is an act of surrender or submission to God’s will for our lives of which we become a “living sacrifice”. 4. Commitment – Phil. 3:7-14 The statement of Paul in our text, is the statement of someone who is fully persuaded and committed to a cause. Many so called Christians of this generation lack the virtue of commitment. Commitment is: A pledge or promise. An obligation (obliged to do certain things, a sense of duty). The act of committing or engaging oneself. An involvement. HOLY LIFE MINISTRIES “…Living to finish well”
HOLY LIFE MINISTRIES “…Living to finish well” 5. Consistence – 1 Cor. 15:58; Jer. 35:1-10, 12-16, 18, 19; Deut. 13:1-5. Consistency harnesses all the characteristics we have mentioned so far such as our: conversion, conscience, consecration and commitment. This year we must resolve to show steadfast adherence to all these principles. Remain solid and firm in your walk with Jesus this year and beyond. 6. Crucified with Christ – Gal. 2:19, 20 A crucified believer is the one who has been freed from the law and the ruling power of sin that was made alive by the law – v. 19. The benefits of crucifying oneself are: One is no longer living to oneself; but Christ lives in one. The old sinful life or nature no longer asserts itself as formerly. Jesus cultivates within the believer, His own desires, virtues, character and power. Hence, morally transforming the believer and working through him in others. HOLY LIFE MINISTRIES “…Living to finish well”
HOLY LIFE MINISTRIES “…Living to finish well” 7. Conviction – 2 Tim. 1:6-12; Acts 20:18-24 Paul’s use of the perfect tense “persuaded” (2 Tim. 1:12) indicates that he was in the past persuaded and remain so now. Your conviction will stand you out from all opposition, accusation, persecution, insinuation and temptation. The fear of God, the fear of sin and the fear of hell will keep your conviction to the end.
HOLY LIFE MINISTRIES “…Living to finish well” THE END