DIY GP Maintenance Paul Johnson
Backups/Disaster recovery Backups are saved as .bak files and usually saved to D or E GPBackups folder. Backups are run once per day and we usually keep a few days worth of backups. .bak files should be backed up by your IT departments to tape or external backup. Should have some plan to monitor backups and ensure they are happening daily. (example shortcut on your desktop to the GPBackups location) DIY GP Maintenance
DEMO – Backup location DIY GP Maintenance
Checklinks Causes data in related database tables to be examined against each other for consistency Can take a significant amount of time, depending on data size and processing power. (example turning on multicurrency and running checklinks and multicurrency setup) Ensure you have a backup prior to running checklinks. Let finish once started Save output to file for review. DIY GP Maintenance
Reconcile Reconcile also compares data in corresponding tables and makes adjustments if needed. Example if a value on a summary trial balance report doesn’t match the corresponding totals on a detailed trial balance, The appropriate reconcile will recalculate the values of the summary trial balance based on the detailed records in the detail table Usually used to fix summary records Demo Checklinks and reconcile DIY GP Maintenance
DEMO – Checklinks and reconcile DIY GP Maintenance
Professional Tools 37 free tools Some tools require you to be logged in as sa or user with create permissions Always do a full backup of your system before using the PSTL tools DIY GP Maintenance
Professional tools - System Tools Database disabler Allows sa user to disable any company database Shortcuts Copy Copy shortcuts from one user to another Update User date User date changes at midnight each day. GP must be running and open DIY GP Maintenance
Professional tools - Financial & purch. Account modifier/Combiner Change previous account number into new account numbers Minimum PO/Receipt Number Prevent PO from defaulting to the next PO Number or Receipt Number POP cost defaulter Specify the default cost for a purchase order document Payables Minimum Check Set a minimum amount for your payables checks within the select checks process DIY GP Maintenance
Professional tools - Sales. SOP PO number check SOP PO number check to verify the customer PO number field for duplicates as data is entered Sales Order processing – Customer Item lookup Store specific ordering history, as well as the last invoice date and last price used. View info from SOP entry and Sales Item detail windows. Receivables Management Transaction unapply Enables you to unapply document in history tables and automatically move the records back to the open table. You can then reapply records as needed DIY GP Maintenance
Professional tools - Inventory & Misc. Item Description modifier Item Number combiner Inventory site combiner Fixed Asset modifier Reclass an asset code. Update all tables in system with the change Default add Item POP/SOP When activated it will automatically mark the add item selection In the options menu DIY GP Maintenance
DEMO – Professional tools DIY GP Maintenance
GP Security Model Access to windows, reports, sql tables, etc assigned to tasks in GP Task names start with (card_, rpt_, INQ_, ADMIN_) Roles are made up of tasks and are what is assigned to a user Never Modify the out of the box roles. As there could be replaced on an upgrade. Copy an existing role and assign to users Modified Reports ID is assigned to a user. Determines if a user is going to print a modified report or the out of the box report. Also determines if a user is pointed to a modified form or the out of the box form. DIY GP Maintenance
Demo – Setup User in GP, mgmt. reporter and SSRS DIY GP Maintenance
Support Requests Prophet web page ( Click on Submit Support Request in top right hand corner. We have someone monitoring between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm Mon-Fri. Response time is usually 30 minutes. (acknowledgement) Incident is created in our internal ticket system and assigned to an appropriate resource. DIY GP Maintenance
CustomerSource erica/GP CustomerSource provides you with access to resources such as self-help tools, product updates, community forums, training, documentation and online newsletters to help you optimize your use of your Microsoft Dynamics product Administrator can manage employees in customersource DIY GP Maintenance
CustomerSource If you’re registered for Microsoft Dynamics GP, you have the ability to access this information. One user will be a CustomerSource Administrator so they will have the ability to add new users from your organization (here is a link with information for adding new users) If you have any difficulties accessing CustomerSource, any member of Prophet’s team may assist. DIY GP Maintenance
GPShare What is it? Shared folder that all GP users need access to Includes Reports, forms folders which hold the reports.dic file. File is accessed when users print reports Has products folder, scripts folder, and prophet working files folder Consistent from client to client so that consultants know where to find things. (reduces your cost) DIY GP Maintenance
Demo – GPShare DIY GP Maintenance
Errors in GP and fixes Cannot access this report You may encounter an error indicating you cannot access a form or report because the dictionary containing it is not loaded. Could be an issue with drive mapping. Try and use UNC mapping where possible. DIY GP Maintenance
Errors in GP and fixes You do not have permission Contact system administrator and indicate what window you are trying to open. Check roles assigned to users and tasks. DIY GP Maintenance
Errors in GP and fixes Processes are currently running There are various reasons why you may encounter this message. Be patient can check the resource monitor. DIY GP Maintenance
Errors in Management reporter Issues when logging into Mgmt reporter. Unable to connect to server Ensure user is setup as user in mgmt. reporter security as viewer, generator or administrator Ensure the management reporter service is running on the server DIY GP Maintenance
GP Power Tools 3rd party Add-on Company based color schemes Help with Security troubleshooting Roll out dex.ini setting changes to all workstations Users can customize window positions and sizes based on how they use the system Lots of other tools DIY GP Maintenance
Demo – GP Power tools DIY GP Maintenance
Questions? DIY GP Maintenance