Managing Internal/External Sales in EFS
Session Outline Project background EFS conversion Business processes Queries for reporting Benefits Next steps
Project Background Piloted with volunteers Colleges and central representatives Goals: Develop new business process in EFS Improve management and oversight for contracts, approvals, and billings Provide database to store documents
EFS Conversion ~1,800 approvals loaded ~13,000 contracts loaded OES number can be associated with invoices 6 public queries created
Business Process Enter approvals into EFS Backup documentation imaged Enter contracts into EFS Unsigned contracts imaged Email units contract with OES number Monitor external sales activity with queries
Departments Monitor pending contracts in EFS Upload final signed version to EFS Associate OES number to invoices Use queries to monitor EFS activity
Queries In EFS Reporting instance only: Internal and external sales approvals External sales contracts Invoices by contract Total billed by contract Low risk, no contract invoices linked to approval Contracts ending
Benefits Complete contract management tool Central storage Approval documents Contract data and documents Customer history with entire University Billing history in EFS Queries to manage approvals, contracts, and billing
Next Steps Contract Management Email Learn procedures Take Public Jobs Private Data training Complete EFS ARF, request External Sales Entry or External Sales Contract Inquiry Learn procedures Manage contract statuses Review/update contract details Upload signed contracts into EFS Update current billed amount
Next Steps Billing Administrators & Billing Specialists Review Billing External Sales Activity job aid Contract number & bill plan communication Populate 1-2 additional fields on the invoice entry process
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