Theresianum Vienna Austria
Schools in location Kindergarten: family groups, ages 1 ½ - 6 years, 180 children 4-year Elementary School: ages 6 – 10, 8 classes, 120 pupils 8-year Secondary Academic School: ages 10-18, 830 pupils, 135 teachers
Private School Status Kindergarten: private, but subsidized by the City of Vienna Elementary School: totally private, teachers paid by school foundation Secondary Academic School: teachers provided and paid by state. School fee in Secondary School: € 645.- p. month (Austrian or EU citizens)
School in Project Secondary Academic School „Theresianum“ Prescribed Curriculum Specialization in Foreign Languages: 1st FL: French OR English – year 1 to year 8 2nd FL: English OR French – year 3 to year 8 Latin: year 4 to year 8 Russian: year 6 to year 8 Rest: Austrian „Gymnasium“ Curriculum
School Focus Secondary Academic School 4 mandatory Foreign Languages International relations Sport (not for achievement but for a balanced education) Boarding or all day program (students present at school 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., boarders 24h) Permanent class groups: class groups stay together in all lessons except Sport for 8 years Selection of pupils by interview
Assets and Offers Ca. 15 additional free time sports Leisure activities Park, Indoor Pool, Boarding Facilities Dining Halls, Meals cooked on location Cambridge First Exam (year 5) DELF (French exam, year 5) EBC*L European business competence licence (year 6)
Travel programs Language exchanges / weeks in 4th and 7th Rome/Italy in 6th Ski camps in 2nd, 3rd, 5th Small group exchanges with Washington, Rugby, Stockholm MEP, MUN Erasmus project Cultural and educational trips to Auschwitz, Leipzig/Frankfurt, Strassburg, Prague, etc.
Lesson Grid For years 5 – 8, 15 – 18 year olds School level 9 10 11 12 Grade 5 6 7 8 Mandatory Subjects Lessons per week German 3 2ndforeign language: English 1st foreign language: French 2 Latin 3rd foreign language: Russian - History and Social Sciences 1 Geography and Economics History, Social Sciences and Political Education Mathematics Biology and Environmental Sciences Chemistry Physics Psychology und Philosophy IT Music Art (in year 7 and 8: choice of either Music or Art) Physical Education Mandatory Elective Subjects Various subjects to choose from, 6 lessons in 3 years Freigegenstände Various subjects to choose from, not limited Unverbindliche Übungen For years 5 – 8, 15 – 18 year olds
Typical teacher schedule # Full teaching load: 20 lessons # Afternoon supervision mandatory for at least 2 days/week, counts as half a lesson per hour # 2 hours/week for substitution for absent teachers (unpaid) # 1 hour for parents‘ visits # teachers must have master´s degree in 2 subjects
Typical class schedule (year 7) # afternoon multi-lessons are extra sports or activities – not for all students, they select 1 – 3 such activities # grey fields are afternoon supervision in the class group for study, homework, etc.
European School Partnership History 1998 – 2000 „A Single European Currency in a Multicultural Europe“ 2000-2003 „Caleidoscope - Rencontre Européenne de Lyceens“ 2003 – 2006 Octopus: „European School Quality in International Dimensions“ 2006 – 2009 „European Citizenship“ 2009-2011 „European Studies School Network“ 2011-2015 „Young European Entrepreneurs of the Future“ Favoritenstraße 15 1040 Wien Tel. +43 1 505 15 71 0*