MyLion Registration Website | Mobile device Our statistics show that a number of members are struggling with registering for MyLion. With that said, let’s review MyLion registration.
Click here to access MyLion website Visit or search for MyLion your App Store on your iOS device / Google Play on your android device. Click here to access MyLion website To register, you will need your Member ID and a valid email address or phone number. If you are enrolled for MyLion app, your MyLion app credentials will give you access to the MyLion website. Registration tips Here are a few tips and hints to get your district off to a good start. If you are enrolled for MyLion app, your MyLion app credentials will give you access to the MyLion website. To register, you will need your Member ID and a valid email address or phone number. Here is the link to access the MyLion website There are two ways to download the Mylion app. One way is to, go to the website and click the link to your app store. Another option is to go straight to the AppStore on your iOS device / Google Play on your android device and search for MyLion.
From the home page you will select to “Create a Login”.
Website Registration You will be prompted to let us know if you have registered for the MyLion app. If you have, you will Click Yes. The login screen will appear, and you may log in to the website using your existing MyLion credentials. You will use either your email address or your phone number to log in, depending on which of these you used to register for the MyLion app. If you have not registered for the MyLion app, Click No. You will then be prompted to complete the registration form to create your MyLion Login. To register, you will need your Member ID and a valid email address or phone number. Your Member ID is required as a Security measure to protect our users. The email address or phone number used to create your MyLion Login must match your contact information currently on file. Be sure this information is up to date before registering. Complete the form and Click Continue The verification process will now begin. This is a security measure to protect our Lions. You will receive a code either by email or text message, depending on which of these you used to register for your new account. If you provided your email address, an email message will be sent with the verification code If you provided your phone number, a text message will be sent with the verification code Once you enter the verification code, Click Continue. The login page will appear, and you may enter your new MyLion Login and password. Click continue to log in.
Mobile Device Registration Now let’s look at the mobile app registration steps: When you open MyLion for the first time, you will tap on the Register button to begin setting up your account. The first step in creating an account is to provide a few pieces of information to ensure we can verify that you are the Lion you say you are. The information you enter will ensure that your account is secure and private. All you need to do is enter your member ID, your email address or mobile phone number, and create a secure password. We’ve built MyLion with best-in-class security features, so before you can do anything else in the app, you're going to receive an email or a text message with a secure code. All you have to do is return to the app and enter your confirmation code to verify that you are the true owner of the information you entered. MyLion will not allow you to proceed until you have confirmed and completed this security verification.
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