Trade Fair 2017 Mia Gonzales and Jason Williams Drinking Water Watch Trade Fair 2017 Mia Gonzales and Jason Williams
DWW Address
DWW Search Drinking water watch home page. Arrows pointing to PWS number and PWS name that are required to view a particular PWS. Items circled include generating a CCR report and the search button for selecting after entering the PWS name or number Texas drinking water watch home page. A PWS number or name is required to view a particular system. Alternatively, other information can be entered to view a list of systems based on the information entered.
DWW Search
Water System Detail Information Sample sites Sample schedules Violations Coliform sample results Chemical sample results
Sample Schedules/ FANLS/Plans
Sample Points
Chemical Results
Chemical Results: TTHM
Water System Detail Information Water system detail is viewable after entering PWS number and confirming PWS name. The six topics listed above are covered in detail below. Sample schedules Sample points Violations Other chemical results PbCu summaries Compliance schedules
Sample Schedules/ FANLS/Plans Clicking or selecting sample schedules, FANLS and plans will allow you to view the current lead and copper tap sampling schedule. Reading from right to left look for PBCU LCR. Requirements detail number of samples following by schedule type (examples are 6M, 1Y and 3Y). Next column details the start date of the current schedule followed by the seasonal monitoring period.
Sample Schedules/ FANLS/Plans Clicking on the expanded sample schedule link will provide more detail regarding a PWSs next sampling period.
Sample Points PWS sampling points will include all approved LCR numbers and actively status. Contact the lead and copper team and we’ll send you a list of LCR numbers and corresponding addresses.
Other Chemical Results Selecting other chemical results will allow you to view individual reported sample ID numbers, date collected, LCR number sampled and reporting laboratory. Selecting an individual sample number will allow you to view the lead and copper result.
Other Chemical Results Example 1: Example 2: Clicking on an individual laboratory sample ID number will display the lead and copper analyte codes, analysis method, individual analyte concentration reported and corresponding monitoring period. MRL or method reporting limit will be accompanied by a less than symbol, see example 1.
PbCu Summaries Image of representative lead and copper summary table detailing the monitoring period, 90th percentile results, and number of samples exceeding the action levels for both lead and copper.
Compliance Schedules Top image represents the most common compliance schedule a system will see after tap sample monitoring and reporting. Status date is the date the schedule was created. Effective date and closed date are the beginning date of the monitoring period and date schedule was closed, respectively. Arrow points to the state identification number. Click to open for more details on a given schedule and to see bottom image including individual activity names, due dates, achieved dates and closed dates.
Violations LCR Violations Compliance period lists the dates for the monitoring period for which the violation applies. Violation name, example for LCR is Follow up or routine tap monitoring and reporting violation. Analyte Code for Lead and Copper Rule is 5000. Has the violation been resolved, example here is yes, the system has successfully sampled since violation was issued.
Resources Financial Managerial & Technical Assistance Alex Latham 512-239-6908 Small Business Assistance Free confidential hotline 1-800-447-2827 Resources Financial Managerial and Technical Assistance, Alex Latham, 512-239-6908, Small Business Assistance, free confidential hotline, 1-800-447-2827,
Questions Mia Gonzales 512-239-6576 Jason Williams 512-239-4654 Questions and contact information for Mia Gonzales, 512-239-6576,, Jason Williams, 512-239-4654,
Email Chemical schedules, violations, sampling Ownership, contact information, status change Email for chemical schedules, violation and sampling Email to update ownership, points of contact and status changes