aazien The term asthma originates from the Greek word, aazien. "panting or shortness of breath”. `Aazien’ is defined as "panting or shortness of breath”., The Illiadthe siege of Troy The expression asthma was shown for the first time during the Greek epic poem, The Illiad, when explaining the siege of Troy. Hippocrates’ Corpus Hippocraticum Also, the 1 st time Ashtma was used as a medical term by Greeks. In Hippocrates’ Corpus Hippocraticum is the earliest text where asthma was defined as a medical term.
. Asthma chronic disease of the tubesAsthma is a chronic disease of the tubes that carry air to the lungs.. These airways become- narrow and their linings become- swollen, irritated, and inflamed. The lungs- swell up, filled with mucus, and get smaller in size which causes difficulty in breathing.lungs
Some people say having asthma feels like- breathing through a straw.
Asthma in children usually begins before the age of 5 and is often hereditary.Asthma in children usually begins before the age of 5 and is often hereditary. More boys than girls have asthma until about the age of 13; thereafter that tendency reverses, and more girls than boys begin to show the condition.More boys than girls have asthma until about the age of 13; thereafter that tendency reverses, and more girls than boys begin to show the condition. Overall, asthma seems to be evenly distributed between the genders.Overall, asthma seems to be evenly distributed between the genders. Symptoms may lessen as they reach adolescence. However, if the condition is present throughout childhood and adolescence, it will most likely persist into adulthood.Symptoms may lessen as they reach adolescence. However, if the condition is present throughout childhood and adolescence, it will most likely persist into adulthood. All human populations seem to be susceptible to the disease regardless of age.All human populations seem to be susceptible to the disease regardless of age.
DustDust mitesCockroaches Animals such as cats & dogs Molds Secondhand cigarette smoke Some common causes and triggers
You'll know you're having a flare-up if you: Have a whistling sound when breathing (this is called wheezing) cough a lot cough have a tight or painful feeling in the chest Flare-ups also can make you sweat or feel like your heart is beating faster than normal, even while sitting still.sweat
Physical exam tests : If your doctor thinks you have asthma, they will do a physical exam. Physical exam tests : They will look at your ears, eyes, nose, throat, skin, chest and lungs Lung function tests: To confirm asthma, your doctor may have you take one or more breathing tests known as lung function tests. Lung function tests: Lung function tests are often done before and after inhaling a medicine known as a bronchodilator. Common lung function tests used to diagnose asthma include: 1.Spirometry Spirometry 2.Peak airflowPeak airflow
Caring for your asthma means: Avoiding things that cause flare-ups Taking medicines if your doctor prescribes them. Avoiding triggers Using spacer Using inhaler Using nebulizer
Myth: Dietary supplements can help ease asthma symptoms. Fact: There is no proof that specific nutrients help treat asthma, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. National Center for Complementary and Integrative HealthNational Center for Complementary and Integrative Health Myth: Asthma medications stop working over time. Fact: Asthma drugs remain an effective treatment if used regularly and as directed. Myth: People with asthma should avoid physical activity. Fact: The goal for anyone with asthma should be to lead a normal, healthy life — which includes regular exercise. Myth: You can outgrow asthma. Fact: Asthma may improve with age, but it’s a lifelong condition. Myth: Asthma is all in your head. Fact: The disease affects the airways – it’s not psychological.