III. Organic Chemistry A. Chemical Reactions 1. Dehydration Synthesis: small molecules (monomers) joined together to form a large molecule (polymer) by removing H2O + + H2O monomer + monomer polymer + water
polymer is broken apart into monomers by adding H2O (digestion) 2. Hydrolysis: polymer is broken apart into monomers by adding H2O (digestion) + H2O + polymer + water monomer + monomer
Synthesis Digestion Maltose + glucose Maltose + glucose Maltose +
B. Organic Compounds Organic: Contain BOTH Carbon and Hydrogen ex. Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids Inorganic: Don’t contain BOTH Carbon and Hydrogen ex. H2O, CO2, H2, O2, NaCl
Monosaccharides (Simple Sugars) (i.e. glucose, galactose, fructose) 1. Carbohydrates a. Elements: b. Ending: c. Function: d. Building Blocks: C, H, O -ose quick source of energy Monosaccharides (Simple Sugars) (i.e. glucose, galactose, fructose)
e. Types: Disaccharide Double Sugar (2 Sugars) ex. Maltose = glucose + glucose ex. Sucrose = glucose + fructose Monosaccharide 1 Sugar (i.e. glucose)
Polysaccharide Many sugars in a chain Ex. Starch (plant storage), Cellulose (plant cell wall), Glycogen (animal storage)
Triglyceride: 1 Glycerol + 3 Fatty Acids 2. Lipids a. Elements: b. Function: c. Building Blocks: C, H, O store energy for long-term use Triglyceride: 1 Glycerol + 3 Fatty Acids Fatty acid Fatty acid Fatty acid glycerol
Glycerol 3 Fatty acids
d. Types: Waxes Oils -Liquid @ room temp. -Have double bonds between Carbons in Tails -Carbons are “unsaturated” Fats -Solid @ room temp. -Single bonds between Carbons in Fatty Acid Tails -Carbons are “saturated” with Hydrogens
3. Proteins a. Elements: b. Ending: C, H, O, N (sometimes S) c. Function: C, H, O, N (sometimes S) -in, -ase -Most abundant organic compound in organisms -Control reaction rates (enzymes) -Help form bone & muscle -Tissue repair -Pigments (ex. Chlorophyll) -Transport substances (ex. Hemoglobin) -Fight diseases (antibodies)
d. Building Blocks: Amino Acids (20 different ones) (makes each one different) Variable group Carboxyl group Amino group Hydrogen
e. Types: Amino Acids Leucine Serine Cysteine
Dipeptide -2 amino acids Peptide bond
+ H2O Dipeptide + Dipeptide Amino acid Amino acid PEPTIDE BOND Amino group Carboxyl group + H2O Amino acid Amino acid Dipeptide PEPTIDE BOND + Dipeptide Amino acid Amino acid
-Long chain of many amino acids Polypeptide -Long chain of many amino acids *Sequence of amino acids determines type, shape, & function of protein
4. Nucleic Acids a. Elements: b. Function: C, H, O, N, P c. Building Blocks: C, H, O, N, P Stores/codes hereditary information Nucleotides Nitrogenous base sugar phosphate
d. Types: RNA -Ribonucleic Acid DNA -Single-stranded -Base Pairs: A-U, C-G -Created in nucleus & goes to ribosomes to produce proteins d. Types: DNA -Deoxyribonucleic Acid -Double-stranded helix -Base Pairs: A-T, C-G -Stays in the nucleus