Health & Safety in practical science What do I say about safety? CLEAPSS Steve Jones Director CLEAPSS
CLEAPSS The myths The fear…
Manging safety in practical science CLEAPSS Manging safety in practical science Fears about safety can be a barrier to any sort of practical work (effective or otherwise) Addressing the issue can be seen as: Someone else's problem – eg the placement school? A Pandora’s box – reluctance to open the lid! Time spent with beginning teachers on managing safety is time well spent! Can give trainees the confidence to do more practical tasks Unlocking the potential of practical work as a classroom management tool Helps to avoid career changing (ending) incidents Equips trainees to deflect unworkable, bureaucratic risk assessment processes (lots of forms!)
Manging safety in practical science CLEAPSS Manging safety in practical science Has a discrete subject ‘content’ Employer vs Employee Duty vs Function Hazard vs Risk What legislation really requires Risk assessment Best presented as part of a focus on effective practical work by someone who has an understanding of the science curriculum - risk vs benefit Duty of care Who’s looking out for your trainees?
Avoiding disaster in practical activities….. CLEAPSS Avoiding disaster in practical activities….. … requires some understanding of H&S legislation and its implications a good understanding of what you’re actually doing
So what is CLEAPSS? CLEAPSS or CLEAPSE? A consortium of local authorities (for now at least) Not for profit Started in 1963 Based at Brunel University Has 21 staff, an office, a workshop and a lab CLEAPSS advice covers science, D&T and Art across England, Wales and NI A website A telephone and e-mail helpline Currently has 21,500 members 98% of secondary schools are members 94% of primary schools are members CLEAPSS
CLEAPSS’ role CLEAPSS is tasked by employers in education to produce advice and guidance, including model risk assessments, for all practical activities involving risks to employees or ‘others’ By buying into CLEAPSS, employers are instructing their employees to follow CLEAPSS model risk assessments….. but they rarely tell them this! CLEAPSS
What else does CLEAPSS do? Develops exciting practical activities! Practical Procedures (PPs) Storage and disposal (2-4DNP(H) & Asbestos in gauzes Labs, preprooms and audits…. Radioactivity Behind the scenes….. Pressure vessel, Water supplies Radioactives – Charging for registration, Euratom Explosives regulations 3D printing Drones Pond weed Armageddon! CLEAPSS
CLEAPSS – Supporting ITE providers Managing risk in practical science - A ‘toolkit’ Gatsby funding A presentation – covering the ‘content’ Materials to support activities focusing on the risk assessment process (using resources from the CLEAPSS website) Examples of effective (and ineffective) approaches to risk assessment ‘Questionnaire’ - to be used in placement schools? Concept cartoons….. And…….
CLEAPSS CLEAPSS The Gardiner Building, Brunel Science Park, Kingston Lane, Uxbridge, UB8 3PQ Tel: 01895 251496 Fax: 01895 814372 e-mail: Web: Steve Jones