Encounter Youth
Welcome to the Giving Series
Welcome: Is there anyone here for the first time?
Prayer: :Let’s open the meeting in Prayer!
Next Friday: Giving And Receiving
Sunday Morning: The Greatest Gift
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The Smartie Game: (1) groups of 8, each group gets a die, plate, and box of smarties. (2) Six questions on the screen matching the colours of the smarties. (3) Take turns rolling the die, complete the action that is on the screen matching the number and eat a smartie of that colour. (Asher)
The Strength Game: send strongest person to the front, that person is then sacrificed for the rest of the game and the weaker ones have to do the activities Have four activities for the others to take part in (1. Who can do the most push-ups, 2. Who can hold the plank for the longest, 3. Who can hold a chair for the longest 4. Who can do the 90o wall sit for the longest). Team with the most winners, wins. (Asher) Tie breaker - who can hold a handstand for the longest
Praise and Worship
Glorious Day by Passion
Do it Again by Elevation Worship
Above All by Michael W Smith
Tonight’s Topic
Video: Lecrae’s Testimony. Find it on Youtube at https://www. youtube
Small Groups: (1) What was the best part of your holiday Small Groups: (1) What was the best part of your holiday? (2) In what ways has Jesus given to you in your life? (3) “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 How does it make you feel that Jesus gave His life for you? (4) Pray that Jesus will help you to imitate Him by giving in all the areas of your life. If you haven’t already, pray to accept the life He died to give you.
Prayer: :Let’s close the meeting in Prayer!
Snacks are at the back.
Join us on Sunday!