The Thrive App Support to manage daily stresses 24/7 Introduce the presentation as an opportunity to discuss the Thrive app and the use of it
What is mental health? Mental health is about our feelings, our thinking, our emotions and our moods We all have mental health Looking after our mental health is as important as looking after our physical health How can we look after our mental health? You can use different strategies to maintain good mental health – the Thrive app is a tool you can use to explore ways of supporting your mental health You may find it useful to introduce the assembly by using this first slide – if not please move on to slide no.3 Open up the discussion by asking your audience what they think Mental health is and whether it affects them?
What is the THRIVE app? The Thrive app is designed for young people and adults It is a tool created to use in helping to take better control of your emotions There is a mood meter which allows you to track your mood, the emotions you feel and the situation you are in at the time. Thrive uses games to track your mood and teach you methods in controlling any stress or anxieties you might have It will help you learn new techniques to relax by encouraging you to use techniques such as meditation and deep breathing Use these bullet points to discuss how the app can be used to best support the student ensuring the message of prevention is conveyed.
Benefits of using the app You can use it any time – 24/7 Available on a phone or web based Confidential and anonymised Does not share your results with the school/college Enables you to set personal targets and track your achievement Provides advice and tools tailored to your needs Rewards you for achievements Helps you become more mindful about your well being and reduce stress Has fun challenges you can do and compete with others Emphasise the ease of being able to use it any time and to get into the habit of using it on a regular basis not just because feeling stressed or down. Completely confidential so no one can find out your results or interaction details with use of the tool.
What does it look like? Staff decide whether this slide is applicable or whether you want to show the demo video – bear in mind the demo video is 7 minutes long and requires an internet connection
How does it work? Demo video
How do I sign up? Show sign up video if time – bearing in mind you will need an internet connection and time to show the video clip (2 minutes long)
Who to speak to if worried.. If the app suggests you should speak to somebody, feel free to speak to ___________________ in school YMCA Child line Young Minds Tailor this section to the support you provide in school or other local resources e.g. Local support (Cambridgeshire & Peterborough only)
National Mental Health Campaigns An anti stigma campaign aimed at encouraging young people to challenge harmful language and negative stigma surrounding mental health This campaign looks at changing attitudes to body image and help all of us to put health above appearance and be confident in our bodies Examples of national mental health campaigns – you may wish to share this with your audience. IAMWHOLE - - Be REAL - includes video case studies of young people, lesson plans and activity templates
Any questions? Give your audience the chance to ask any questions if you deem this to be appropriate
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