Support to you at the Jamboree - an easier JamboLife Richard Holmes - CMT IST
Workshop Objectives To help you understand Contingent Support at: Summit Bechtel Washington DC Post Event Optional Travel Places Tours Outline the support on offer to IST Outline what your responsibilities as IST are Give you confidence that we are here to help you To give you ideas about things to take to make Jambolife easier
Have you downloaded the UK App? Principal comms method from for IST and UL’s Check for updated and enable notifications and – it is your friend There will also be a Jamboree App: Maps Rules Guidelines IST Programme Weather Alerts
UK Departures and flights to the USA There will be no UK CMST at UK airports As IST you are expected to manage this phase yourselves! Wear Uniform - makes you known to others! It’s your responsibility to catch your flight – and it wont wait for you! UK Op’s Centre will be up and running to assist with emergencies Contact details will be made available to you
When you Arrive US Airport arrivals CMST won’t be present at each airport terminal Travel Places and/ or their ground agents (TMS) will direct you to your designated coach to take you to the Summit Not likely to be CMST on your coach First sight of the Summit will be the Ruby Welcome Centre
At the Ruby Centre Two Questionnaires on the coach MOST IMPORTANTLY Public Health – may determine Yes/No entry on site Mental wellbeing survey MOST IMPORTANTLY Will check that EVERYONE has evidence that they have completed the JOT Safeguarding module No excuse for ANY UK IST not to have done this If you have not done it – you WILL have to do it at the Ruby Centre – join the queue (and bearing in mind that it takes 2 ½ hours it will be a VERY Long Queue (est 8 hours to wait!)
At The Summit Upon arrival JOT will be present to assist with Check-in issues There will be daily visits by CMST to each base camp – between 4pm & 7pm. Our office is manned 24/7 CMST and Travel Places will direct you to your departure day coaches
Where do I . . . ? Get help at the Jamboree? About your IST Job From your IST Line Manager – not UK CMST About a medical condition At one of the many support locations around the site, or at the Medical Centre About Camping issues The Subcamp Centre – not UK CMST About UK Contingent activities At the UKC Office or using the App
Where do I . . . ? Sleep? In four person tents May be three to a tent Mixed gender allowed Will be preallocated (Think about buddies, we will email soon) Generally in Echo Subcamp Some in specialist teams, eg Medical, Facilities Some may be in Unit Subcamps
Where do I . . . ? Eat? 8,000 seater restaurant on Echo subcamp Subcamp based IST will eat at Subcamps Restaurants Packed Lunches (“Trail Lunch”) - bring a lunch bag IST Social Areas Chat ‘n’ Chew UK Food House!
Where do I . . . ? Relax? Full programme for IST on their days off Off site trips Onsite activities IST Superstar and Sustainability Awards Stadium Shows Opening IST Party on 21 July and closing on 2 August Culture Day will include special IST Activities
Where do I . . . ? Do my IST job? Could be anywhere . . . Massive Site For the furthest roles, IST will be bussed Also two circular hop on hop off bus loops round the site for IST CMST provide IST with pastoral support. Job issues must be raised to Line Manager on site
Where do I . . . ? Get help in Washington DC for Post Event? CMST will be present at the University and around DC University staff will check you in to your rooms Travel Places and their ground staff will direct you to your buses for those on Baseball IST Support Centre will be established in Washington CMST will be available via the operations centre
Where do I . . . ? Get help On Travel places tours? CMST responsibility for you will end immediately you leave either the Jamboree Site or Washington after post Event You are ‘Tourists’ on the optional tours, so direct any issues to the local Travel Places rep The UKC Ops Centre will have CLOSED DOWN, and will not provide support
The most technology-driven Jamboree Apps UK Jamboree Jambo Chat Maybe Role-dependent Social Media tools Novus Sign in/out Where am I Share contacts
Homeward Bound! You will be transferred to your departure airport CMST will not be at your departure airports No one else will be there to make sure you catch the plane – and it wont wait for you!
All of the time Help is always available 24/7 Any issues . . . contact UK Contingent Operations through the App, WhatsApp or Phone
As IST it is your responsibility to . . . Make sure that the participants have a great time, by: Doing your job Looking after yourself Eating Sleeping Washing Solve your own problems as far as possible Be a great ambassador for UK Scouting Learn something new to take back to your home Groups
Let’s play Pointless!
Things to take to make Jambolife easier . . . Get yourselves into TEAMS Spend 10 minutes coming up with a list of just SIX things to pack and take with you to make your Jambolife easier Write them on your forms Pass your lists to the next team for checking Team with the most unique set of answers is to be congratulated! Lists will be on “What have I Missed”
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