Mr. Dane Jaber Ms. Vanessa Baker Ms. Cindy Jolicoeur Miami-Dade County Public Schools Department of Science Science ICAD: Middle School Session 2 Mr. Dane Jaber Instructional Supervisor Ms. Vanessa Baker Curriculum Support Specialist MS Ms. Cindy Jolicoeur Curriculum Support Specialist K-8 Welcome to the second Middle School Science ICAD Power cast for the 2016-17 school year.
Session Objectives Participants will be able to: Identify and develop their reflective practices around instruction (planning and delivery). Cultivate student understanding of science inquiry through hands-on exploration of an essential lab. Develop standards-based lessons through planning, implementation and feedback. This Powercast is intended to highlight expected outcomes for participants by discussing the explored content and applied strategies of the session. Department of Science
This session revolves around using reflection as a tool to improve teaching and learning. Let’s start by identifying something you consider yourself to be an expert around…. Jot it down… Do you have something in mind? Great! Go back to Point A…. When you were at the pre-expert stage. You didn’t know anything. What happened between point A & Point B? What happened to get you to the place you’re in today?
If we’re honest and stop to think about it, our trajectory of learning really looks something more like this.
3. Assessment 2. Intentionality 1. Awareness 4. Adjustments Pre-Novice Expertise 4. Adjustments 3. Assessment 2. Intentionality Pre-Novice On the road to achieving expertise, we learn about the THING (in our case teaching and learning)by becoming more aware of what it entails, we work on it intentionally (deliberately), we assess whether or not it’s working, and we refine and adjust as necessary. 1. Awareness
Reflective practice Human Scatter Plot (Confidence) The factor that has the greatest impact on students is: Classroom resource availability Parental involvement The teacher Socio-economic status Whether used as a pre-assessment or formative assessment, the human scatter plot can help teachers understand student thinking and supports the students’ scientific thinking by constructing explanations and engaging in an argument from evidence. Department of Science
Reflective practice Human Scatter Plot (Frequency) The strategy/activity that is most common in my class is: Frontload/decode vocabulary Labs Graphic Organizers D.I. Stations This strategy was not only a quick way to have participants reflect on their teaching, but also a useful pre-assessment for the facilitators. A good place to start our reflection on our teaching is to identify the resources we use, how resources impact our students, and what activities take place in our classrooms. Take a moment to select a response… If you are an administrator, simply substitute the word “class” with “science department”. Department of Science
Reflective practice Human Scatter Plot The strategy/activity that has the greatest impact on my students is: Frontload/decode vocabulary Labs Graphic Organizers D.I. Stations Here you have identical answer choices but are asked to select, not what is most common, but what is most impactful for our students. While the previous prompts led to conversations related to the first 3 stages of reflection (awareness, deliberate practice and assessment), any hesitation to select the same response for this prompt as was selected for the prior prompt should bring you towards the adjustment or refinement stage. Department of Science
The Reflective Cycle Awareness of Instructional Reality How intentionally do I plan and deliver all aspects of my teaching? How do I know whether my actions affect student learning? How aware am I of my students, the content, and pedagogy? How effectively do I respond to the results of ongoing assessments? Capability to Adjust Actions Awareness of Instructional Reality Intentionality of Actions Ability to Accurately Assess Taking the stages of reflection from the road to expertise and creating a reflective cycle mirrors continuous improvement models and is vital to improving instruction.
Unaware Conscious Action Refinement The same Continuum of Self-Reflection that was shared at the September Scaled Leadership sessions for administrators was reviewed with ICAD participants. With the expectation that ICAD participants are sharing and using the information from this session, the teachers should be able to serve as the Reflective Coach for their department. The Continuum of Self-Reflection is not a program; it is a tool. It helps us a) identify teachers’ reflective tendencies and b) provide suggestions for how to help build their reflective capacity.
Fostering Frequent Open Inquiry in the Science Classroom Grade 8 Essential Lab: Physical and Chemical Changes in Matter Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter SC.8.P.8.1 Assessed as SC.8.P.8.5 Big Idea 9: Changes in Matter SC.8.P.9.2 (Also assesses SC.8.P.9.1 and SC.8.P.9.3.) SC.8.P.9.3 One of the 8th grade essential lab activities that should be used in classes shortly after this session is the Physical and Chemical Changes in Matter lab. Department of Science
Hands-On Open Inquiry: Physical & Chemical Changes in Matter How can you differentiate between a physical and chemical change? Engage Observe and identify different examples of physical and chemical change Science Channel – How It’s Made: Banana Bread Prior to the lab, students should be provided a sequence of events (such as this short video on making banana bread) to make observations and identify changes in matter. After a list of observations is available, the class can try to identify each change as either physical or chemical. Students need not be correct at this point, as they should be given an opportunity to reflect and revise their lists after the lab or lesson. Instead, it will be useful for the students to reflect on their responses after the lab to see if they need to make any changes to their original answers.
Conclusion Writing (C-E-R) How can you differentiate between a physical and chemical change? Elaborate/Evaluate: Using the data and information from your lab develop a C-E-R in the collaboration space for your group in the OneNote binder. Similar to the first ICAD, written conclusions from the lab were evaluated using the C-E-R rubric. As part of our deliberate practice, teachers make an effort to develop understanding of student thinking in order to improve science instruction over time. Department of Science
How does this STEM Activity fit into the curriculum? Participants analyze how well the essential lab addressed one of the grade 8 standards for the first marking period.
Unwrapping Standards In your groups, unwrap the standard below: Group 1 : 1st Nine Weeks : Standard: SC.8.P.8.1 Group 2 : 1st Nine Weeks : Standard: SC.8.P.8.6 Group 3 : 1st Nine Weeks : Standard: SC.8.P.8.7 Group 4 : 1st Nine Weeks : Standard: SC.8.P.9.1 Group 5 : 1st Nine Weeks : Standard: SC.8.P.9.2 Group 6 : 1st Nine Weeks : Standard: SC.8.P.9.3 Following the standards-based analysis of the essential lab, participants unwrapped the remaining standards emphasized within the first marking period. Department of Science
Collaborative Lesson Exploration TLO Protocol adapted from Planning District Resources Essential Labs A goal without a plan is just a wish Lesson Plan Create a STEM 5E Lesson Plan in the designated class notebook page: Group 1: Standard: SC.8.P.8.1 Group 2: Standard: SC.8.P.8.6 Group 3: Standard: SC.8.P.8.7 Group 4: Standard: SC.8.P.9.1 Group 5: Standard: SC.8.P.9.2 Group 6: Standard: SC.8.P.9.3 If our goal is to increase student acquisition of content within the first quarter, we must plan accordingly. As a result, participants underwent the first phase of a collaborative lesson exploration where they developed 5E lessons around the unwrapped standards in groups. Department of Science
Collaborative Lesson Exploration TLO Protocol adapted from Teacher – Develop and teach a lesson Learner – Actively participate as students Observer – Observe, note and provide pedagogical feedback Next, participants showcased best practices when modeling their lessons using the Teacher/Learner/ Observer or TLO protocol adapted from where each group got the opportunity to practice and participate in the phases of lesson development through different roles. As a teacher, participants delivered a lesson. As the learner, participants actively participated in the lesson. As the observer, participants noted standard aligned, academic practices and shared them out with the group.
Science Department Dr. Ava D. Rosales Executive Director Elementary Middle School High School Mr. Dane Jaber Supervisor Dr. Millard Lightburn Ms. Noreyda Casanas Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Vanessa Baker Mr. Daniel Gangeri Ms. Yusimi Osteen Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Cindy Jolicoeur Ms. Mary Tweedy Ms. Mildred Farber District Administrative Assistant Phone: 305- 995-1939 We thank you for viewing the second Middle School Science ICAD for the 2016-17 school year and look forward to seeing the continuation of deliberate and reflective practice in science instruction. For additional comments or questions please contact the appropriate staff listed. Department of Science