What is Dual Enrollment (DE) Updated Spring 2019 What is a Dual Enrollment class? A class in which a high school & and a college credit will be earned in 1 semester; it is typically offered though the “Early College Dept.” @ Chatt. State. Who can take a DE class? Typically, only 11th & 12th graders (Students already take 2 AP classes in 11th grade and so there is not much time left in the evenings/weekends to take an online class. Advanced math students may be able to take a math class during the day at CCA.)
What is Dual Enrollment (con’t) Where are classes held? 1 - At CCA via online or lecture style: Math: Class is held at CCA during a regular class period; the DE math classes use Chatt. State’s online curriculum with a CCA teacher as the proctor. The teacher provides academic and technical assistance when needed. OR English: A Chatt. State professor comes to CCA for lecture-style class. We highly recommend this class to prep students for researching and writing college papers. 2 - At home via online OR at Chatt. State’s campus: This would be in addition to the 8 CCA classes at school but students work on it at home at night or on weekends; we ONLY recommend this if you are GREAT with time management and are very self-motivated. When are they held? Fall, spring or summer semesters The grants are only available 2 of the 3 semesters and CCA recommends grants be used in fall and spring each year. If they are not used in the Fall or Spring of a school year, the money may be used in the summer. 1 DE class = 1 semester = 1 college credit = 1 high school credit
Why take Dual Enrollment? Need more challenging course work. Maxed out all the math options available at CCA. Regarding the DE English class: To learn how to research and write college-level papers. Transcript to reflect challenging classes.
Things to Consider How much time do you have outside of school? How demanding are next year’s classes? Do you have a job? What is your major and do you have a lot of rehearsals? What format would work best for your learning (lecture style, online, etc.)? Is time management your strong-suit? How is your current stress level? Finances: If you use your grant money Junior year, you would have to pay ¾ of the tuition for your 2 English and/or 2 Math classes Senior year. ** ”Time” is usually more of an issue than “ability” when weighing pros/cons for taking a DE class **
DE Criteria *** A team of staff will make the final approval regarding who can take a DE class. The team consists of the current teachers, School Counselor, and Principal/Asst. Principal. Students will be approved to take a DE class if they meet the following criteria. If a student… has great time management skills and work very independently (based on teachers’ input). has a history of promptly meeting deadlines (based on teachers’ input). makes an “A” or “B” as a final grade (in May) your current Math or English class. made these scores on their ACT tests: Math options College Algebra (1st semester) & Statistics (2nd semester): 22 in Math & 19 in Reading OR PreCalculus Algebra 1 (1st semester): 22 in Math & 19 in Reading **PreCalculus Algebra 2 (2nd semester): student must pass with a “C” or above (though you need a “B” to keep the grant money) English Composition class (for Seniors only per Chatt. State) Comp. I (1st semester): 19 in English & 18 in Reading Comp. II (2nd semester): pass Comp 1 with a “D” (though you need a “B” to keep the grant money) PSAT scores may be used if the above scores are not met or are not available (You may contact Chatt. State’s DE office for those score requirements.)
DE English Class (For Seniors ONLY per Chatt. State) Register and pay for 1 class each semester Composition I is taken in the fall semester (Aug- Dec) = 1 High school credit Composition II is taken in the spring semester (Jan – May) = 1 High school credit Students need both of these classes to fulfill CCA’s high school English requirement Semester 1 (Comp 1) is a 3 hour class = roughly $550 (pay in early August) Semester 2 (Comp 2) is a 3 hour class = roughly $550 (pay in early January) Students must pass each semester with a “B” (or 2.75 average of all DE classes) to get the online DE Grant for the next semester. If students lose the grant, they is no way to earn it back. IF a student does not pass a class in the fall semester, families will have to pay full price for the course in January. Reminder: Parents will pay Chatt. State’s tuition 2 different times in the school year– In August for the Fall semester AND In January for Spring semester
DE Math Class (Primarily for Seniors, some Juniors) Register and pay for 1 class each semester Option 1: College Algebra OR PreCal I in the fall semester (Aug- Dec) = 1 High school credit Option 2: Intro. to Statistics OR PreCal II in the spring semester (Jan – May) = 1 High school credit Semester 1 (College Algebra or PreCal 1) is a 3 hour class = roughly $550 (pay in early August) Semester 2 (Intro. to Statistics) is a 3 hour class = roughly $550 (pay in early January) However: Semester 2 (PreCal 2) is a 4 hour class = roughly $650 **the second semester is a 4-hour class and colleges charge by the hour so costs more Students must pass each semester with a “B” (or 2.75 average of all DE classes) to get the online DE Grant for the next semester. If students lose the grant, they is no way to earn it back. IF a student does not pass a class in the fall semester, families will have to pay full price for the course in January. This class is scheduled like a regular class and is held in one of the computer labs at CCA. Chatt. State’s online curriculum/program is used and a CCA teacher provides technical and academic assistance, as needed. Parents will pay tuition 2 different times in the school year – In August for the Fall semester AND In January for Spring semester
Criteria to be eligible for the DE Grant To be eligible, a student must: be a high school junior or senior when taking the class; it’s ok to apply in 10th grade for the 11th grade class they plan to take. have been a TN Resident for at least 1 year at the time of applying for the grant have a social security number Additional information: The grant is only available 2 of 3 semesters (fall, spring, & summer semesters) When students apply online for the DE Grant, it will automatically apply for both the Fall and Spring semesters. Students must pass each semester with a “B” (or 2.75 average of all DE classes) to get the online DE Grant for the next semester. If students lose the grant, they is no way to earn it back. IF a student does not pass a class in the fall semester, families will have to pay full price for the course in January.
Completing the online DE Grant Takes about 15 minutes to complete – students are encouraged to do this. You will need to have the student’s Social Security # available to apply. There are step-by-step directions on Mrs. Bacher’s School Counselor site (under Dual Enrollment tab) When it asks you to print off your confirmation at the end, you do not have to do this. Mrs. Bacher can pull a report to confirm it was completed accurately.
DE Grant (funded by the “TSAC” program through the State of TN) The grant is VERY TIME SENSATIVE. To receive it you will need to ensure all these things occur by the end of the school year: 1 – Apply online to Chatt. State 2 – Apply for Selective Service (see upcoming slide) 3 – Apply for the online DE Grant 4 – Must have a “$0.00” balance due to Chatt. State on Tiger Web/financial account (check your Tiger Web balance in late June and late December to see your balance) Student must pass each semester with a “B” (or 2.75 average of all DE classes) to get the online DE Grant for the next semester. If students lose the grant, they is no way to earn it back. IF a student does not pass a class in the fall semester, families will have to pay full price for the course in January.
How the grant works Grant covers tuition but not books or online math program fee Here are some examples of how much grant money families receive per class: (Estimated costs for tuition/fees next year: 3 hour class = $550 4 hour class = $650) Year 1: 1st DE class/semester (ever taken) = $500 2nd DE class/semester = $500 Year 2: 3rd class/semester = $200 4th class/semester = $0 Year 3 (not typical at CCA) 5th, 6th, 7th &, 8th DE classes = $100/credit hour The max a student can get for class 5,6,7,8 is $600 per semester Student must pass each semester with a “B” (or 2.75 average of all DE classes) to get the online DE Grant for the next semester. If students lose the grant, they is no way to earn it back. . IF a student does not pass a class in the fall semester, families will have to pay full price for the course in January.
Male Students If students are 18 now (or turning 18 during the semester of taking a class) they must register for Selective Service at: www.sss.gov Chatt. State student applications will not be processed until student has registered, (which can prevent student from receiving the DE grant.)
Misc. tips… IF YOU ARE UNSURE ABOUT TAKING A CLASS, it is best to apply anyways. You can easily drop the class by emailing Mrs. Bacher AND the DE office anytime before registration day in August. If you let us know before or on that day, we will have time to change your schedule before school starts. There are no penalties (financial or otherwise) for dropping it before school starts. You will be assigned an “A” number in that email, which is the Student ID # (SID#) STUDENTS & PARENTS WRITE DOWN & KEEP THE “A” NUMBER in a safe place! Students typically write in their agenda-mate/put it in their phone. It will be needed multiple times throughout the semester. Create an online Tiger Web account through Chatt State. Check it in late-June/July and late-December/January When the bill is ready to be paid. You will pay them through this site. To get to Tiger Web: www.chattanoogastate.edu & click on the tiger paw: Class schedule, grades, student e-mail account, Bursar account, and paying fees, etc. are found there. They will not mail you a bill or call you if you have a balance due to them. It is your responsibility to check your Tiger Web account. Chatt. State will notify you through Tiger Web if there is an issue with your account. Balances not paid or problems with the application process not resolved by the June 15 and Dec. 15 deadlines can prevent students from receiving the grant. To avoid the chance of not earning the grant due to missing the June 15 deadline, Mrs. Bacher recommends you confirm with Chatt. State DE office everything has been processed by before students leave for the summer.
Books Estimate approximately $50-75 for books. Math class: online curriculum is called MyLabsPlus. You will pay for this fee rather than buy a book. Cost of books varies depending on class(-es) Buying textbooks: 1-buy used textbooks online (many sites sell used college textbooks) 2- go to their bookstore on campus or 3- visit their website: www.chattanoogastatebookstore.com Bookstore phone #: 697-4425 To buy books, you will need the course # and section #
Transferring Credits to colleges 3 ways to see if, and how, your credits will transfer to other colleges: 1- Chatt. State has a link to see what TN schools accept their credits 2- Go to the college websites of the ones most interested in (if known) and look for the Transfer Equivalency Chart (will be posted under the admissions information section on most college websites.) 3 – Call the Admissions office of college 2 ways classes will typically transfer: 1- as an even exchange for a class (Comp I & II for Freshman English credit) 2- as an elective Accepting transferred requirements is strictly determined by each accepting college, not HC Schools system For credit in Comp I & II, colleges will usually only give 1 credit for passing the AP test OR for taking DE English, but some will give 2…it depends on the college.
IMPORTANT DATES/ CONTACT INFORMATION: Register for Fall classes: Recommended date of March 31 Apply for the online DE grant: Recommended date of March 31 Contact information for the DE office at Chatt. State: Aragorn Thacker - primary office contact at Chatt. State/DE office Office hours: 8:00 – 4:30 Phone: 697 - 4451 Aragorn.Thacker@chattanoogastate.edu
The Application Process Parents: If you let the students complete this application process while you help (or look over their shoulder), this can be a GREAT learning experience for them to practice applying to college. Check your online Tiger Web - this is the financial program Chatt. State uses for billing. This is were you check your balance to see if the grant was applied to your account regularly and where to go to pay your bill in late July/August. Balances must be paid by October in order for student to register for Spring semester. This process has several steps and cannot be done in 1 evening so start soon. Meet all deadlines. Not doing so can keep you from receiving the grant. Mrs. Bacher: will send student’s transcripts & ACT/PSAT scores to the DE office Link to Chatt. State’s site with the steps to apply for Dual Enrollment: https://www.chattanoogastate.edu/early-college